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friendzoned, ouch
heart been broke so many times </3


ew, what is that?


no plan what that is but okay

you. don't. know. what. epsilon. is.


Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota, Kappa, Lambda, My, Ny, Xi, Omikron, Pi, Rho, Sigma, Tau, Ypsilon, Phi, Chi, Psi, Omega
that stuff doesn't say you anything?

Oh wait
I know

finally. you really are dumb sometimes but that is basic knowledge

i didn't think you would be into that stuff though

what are you talking about?



weren't you talking about Omegaverse?

I have no idea what that is and trust me, I don't want to know. But the hell. I was talking about mathematics. You use them to mark angles and some other stuff but yes

oh okay
I was totally thinking about that and just joking


that was obviously irony

I know. I'm not that dense

whatever makes you sleep at night

at least I sleep

ouch, that hurt

sorry not sorry

when did you get that sassy?

since I'm texting with you. your character influences me

I'm so special to influence the nerd aka Sugawara idk what the rest of your name is

and I'm not telling you my first name

maybe later

Wrong number, OiSuga (chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now