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When I saw him, I gasped. He luckily didn't see it. If yes, I would have to tell him that he was this hot skater boy, I've been talking about. If he would ever find out, it would really be awkward. 

Right now it was awkward as well. I didn't know what to say and he didn't either. That was until he started talking about his marble collection and the awkwardness was gone. He really was weird sometimes. 

While we were skating I realized that our routes crossed at one point. He had a longer route that went through the whole city while mine mostly circled around the park. 

After we just skated through a long path in the middle of a forest which was luckily paved, we sat down on a bench and drank something. I had to share my bottle with him because he forgot to take his with him. The indirect kiss made me blush slightly. He didn't seem to notice though. 

Wrong number, OiSuga (chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now