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I hate it here 

why is that the only thing we say when we text?

I don't know, I guess we just like to rant?

that is possible

kind of sad that we only text to rant 

true but what should we talk about instead?

our meet-up

I told you already, later


okay now go on 

So we were visiting my grandparents and we took our Inlineskates with us but forgot my socks and it just sucked 

you have special socks?

yeah, I can't skate with the others
well, I can but it isn't as good as it is with the skates 

what did you do?

I just skated like I normally did. The route was boring anyway. But it was pretty flat so I skated backwards

you do that?

from time to time, I'm not that good because I can't really see and therefore am careful meaning I'm not fast 

you're probably better than me inline skating normal 

possible but that'll go away if you skate more 


I could teach you

I really like that offer but we should really meet before 

why can't we just meet to skate

okay that sounds good, let's do it one day

okay, I'll wait

I appreciate

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