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funny story:

I'm listening 

So I was in the car with my dad and my brother and I was just vibing to good old-fashioned lover boy by queen when my brother suddenly screeched. 

why did he do that?

because he was frightened 

by what?

that's why my dad asked as well and my brother said that a zombie hit him and my dad was hella confused cause he doesn't play Minecraft. And then my dad said "Maybe you should concentrate on reality. We are in a car and there are no zombies just cyclists" 

okay and? 

I just thought it was funny 

it is but why did you tll me?

cause I want to tell you everything 

I'm blushing
like I'm literally blushing
my best friend is looking at me suspiciously 
I think that he'll steal my phone 
So if I text weird, it's him 

but I'm used to ppl I don't know texting me ;)

It was by accident
a lucky accident though 


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