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The day went over faster than I wanted to. I really wanted to stay with him for longer but sadly we couldn't. He had other stuff to do and I would meet Daichi's boyfriend for the first time. Sure, I saw him before but we were never formally introduced. I actually looked forward to it. He seemed like a genuine person and my jealousy was long gone. Oikawa really did help me a lot. I hoped that he was doing good as well. I really, really had a crush on him. But how couldn't I? He was always there for me and I could say anything knowing he wouldn't judge me for it. Yes, he made jokes about me being a nerd but I knew that it was just teasing and that he would never do anything to hurt me. Not to forget about how gorgeous and absolutely stunning he looked and how his voice sent shivers through my spine every time he said something. I loved his smile and his chuckles were the cutest and at the same time hottest thing I ever heard. I was a hopeless simp for this man. 

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