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btw what did you want when you texted me? We somehow trailed off

oh right, I forgot as well

so? tell me. spill the tea hun 

this gives me flashbacks. 
So you know that yesterday was April fools and I pranked my whole family by doing some little things

oh yeah. I didn't do anything lol

well I did. I did a lot, actually. 

tell me 

Patience baby

you did not

I guess I just did

you called me baby aNd said anygays?
Sorry but you're now officially my bf
For complaints please visit us at home aka you can't escape this unless we meet irl 

you are mean but I could just block you, delete our chats and your number and change my number I the end 

you dare use my own spell against me?

this gives me Harry Potter vibes 

of course, it does. It is a fucking quote from Harry Potter! 

I'm sorry I haven't watched Harry Potter in a while and never read the books 

okay that's it, I'm breaking up with you 

You wouldn't dare

oh, I would 

you wouldn't 

I would 

you wouldn't 

I would 

Then do it, coward 

no, it is exactly what you wanted so nope
you're stuck with me forever 

oh fuck. Why are you so smart 

Cause I am 


not the stinky font 

yes the stinky font 

rip I guess 

We'll miss you 

we both know that's a lie 

but it is what you say when someone dies. It is polite

true. didn't know you knew that




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