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Hey, can we talk?


okay so you know why I texted you and I just realized that he wasn't the love of my life. I just thought that he was because I always dreamed of the perfect life. Childhood best friends who fall in love with each other. 
Perfect, isn't it?
But maybe it wasn't for me. I'm sure I loved him but I don't think that I do anymore. 

That is great!
I'm so happy for you
I also got over him, thanks to you
You really helped me forget and realize I don't need to be with him to be happy

same goes for me
I'm glad I accidentally texted you 

me too
I was thinking, maybe we could meet 

I would love that 

Then it's a date?

with my partner, of course

aww, you're cute 

you're cuter but fr are we dating or not cause I'm confused. I don't want you neither me to get hurt.

nah, we aren't


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