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what did you do?

I may or may not have ruined my waffle maker

you what?

I'm sorry, it's not my fault

who else's fault should it be?

I don't know but I need help, my parents are going to kill me if I don't clean it up soon but I don't know how

What happened?

I just made some Waffles but accidentally put too much dough and then it overflowed and I just cleaned it up but then after the time was up, it stuck to the thing and I can't get it of

did you not pre-heat it?


you need to pre-heat a waffle maker before pouring the dough in

you do?

yes, of course, you do

I didn't know that

well you should have

I know but now tell me how to get it off

First, you need to soak it


but don't use flowing water, it is a electronic device after all

totally did not do that

istg, you're killing me

I'm sorry, I never made waffles before

How did you never make waffles before?

I did one time but then it stuck as well and I never did it again. But today I just felt like waffles and tried again but it didn't work

Of course, it didn't. Gosh, if we're ever going to meet, I'll make sure to show you how to make waffles correctly

Of course, we're going to meet. We've been texting for about a month now

anyway, how's the waffle maker doing

I just soaked it and now I'll just try to get it off. Maybe I'll ask my best friend if he can help me later

okay, make sure to update me

I will

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