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am I a nerd? 

you kind of seem like one but idk, you tell me

so I was just out reading a book when some girls called me a nerd

Most people don't read anymore, at least not a real, hardware book so maybe that's why they called you a nerd

okay thanks haha

what were you reading, I'm curious

It all adds up

That sounds interesting, is it a novel?

Not really. In the original, the word novel is written in the title but I don't think it is lol

Oh so it's a thriller?


What is it then 
oh nvm, I just googled it 
you really are a nerd 

Didn't you just say that I wasn't?

I thought you read a normal book but you read a book about the history of mathematics


This is what nerds do
I mean, who voluntarily reads a book about mathematics?

I do

I know and that's why you're a nerd

okay fine, I'm a nerd but the book is really good

whatever, nerd

stop with that nick-name 

sure, nerd 

I'm being serious

of course you are, nerd

Stop already


and here I was thinking you would forget 

anyways, gtg
bye, nerd 

bye, kawa 

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