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How many rolls do Inlineskates have?

Where does this question come from?

Doesn't matter
Now answer

it depends

on what?

how big the rolls are

okay, so how many rolls do average Inlineskates have?

most have four

and why do some people have three rolls, for example?

I'm not sure why you are asking this but some people have three rolls because four rolls wouldn't fit on their skates


rolls with a diameter of 5-7 centimetres are most likely on skates with 4 rolls
when they have a diameter from 8-12 they are bigger means that they won't be able to fit on them so there's only 3
some have even two rolls

okay thanks for the explanation 
and I'm guessing that some people have bigger rolls so they can be faster

you're right
I really am the dumb one lol

no, you are just a bit stupid sometimes 

thanks, I guess

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