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We should meet

I always wanted to but you never wanted 
I'm so happy you finally decided to 

that was an ugly as keyboard smash 

I know, I can't do that 



those are pretty ones

okay mister I know everything 

sorry, someone had to tell you 

let's just plan our meeting, will we?


so we know that we live in the same area so wanna meet in the park in the middle of the city? I could show you my average route. You have a longboard, right?

yes, I do
I used to have another one but I prefer routes


and yes, we could do that but next time, I'll show you mine 


ahhh, I'm so excited, Daichi glares at me as if he wants to kill me
he is currently cuddling with his boyfriend

but why are you there then?

cause Daichi and I share an apartment 

lmao, his poor bf

if your partner lives with his ex, it really is annoying
but he trusted him and now that I got over Daichi and always text with you, it got better 

but I live with my best friend as well and I always clung to him cause I do this with everybody. His boyfriend looked like he was ready to kill me lmao

we could switch

so that you live with my best friend, no thanks

no, that you live with me 

I don't think he would agree though and isn't it a bit early to move in together?
Some days ago you didn't want to see me in person and now you want to move in together


we'll get to know each other better and after that we're going to 


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