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kawa, you awake?

duh but why are you awake? it's 1 am, shouldn't you be in bed?

says you

for me, it's normal. for you, it isn't

true. i just need someone to talk to rn

sure, I'm a great listener

okay so I like/liked this boy, idk though. He's my best friend and also my ex. We dated until he started to lose his feelings and he broke up with me. He told me he liked this other guy and he loved him back. And now they're dating. I want to be happy for them but I can't. I'm just super jealous. And I know that they've been dating for some time now but I still can't get over it

I feel you. 
First of all, forget him. You deserve someone who loves you back and you'll find someone if you want to. Secondly, you don't need to be happy for them. You just went through a break-up and it's okay not to feel okay. You are perfect like you are and if he doesn't like you, it's his problem. And I know how stupid this sounds because I can't even do it myself but try to get over him. It makes everything way easier. You deserve to be happy. 

Thank you. I really appreciate it. By the way, I'm here for you. If you need me, you can talk to me

I will if I feel like it. 

Good. I think I might sleep now so you please do the same, sweet dreams :)

fine, good night 

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