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btw how many rolls do your skates have?


that means you're good at it

It was a bit difficult to go from four to three rolls but it was worth it. I'm faster than I was before and they look cool

that's great, isn't it?

yeah, it is
why did you want to know though? 

I wanted to ask you earlier but your phone was broken and I somehow forgot

okay but why did you want to ask me?

because I saw this one cute guy who was skating and he had three rolls but I thought that skates have four rolls so I was confused

ouch, I was four days gone and you're already cheating on me </3

don't be such a crybaby, I probably won't ever see him again


not really. He really was cute and moved as if he was gliding through water. It was fascinating to watch 

I could do that too

prove it

oh, you're on

we can't meet
you could be some old creep 

we have been texting for almost two months now, how would I be an old creep?
Do I really seem like one?

not really


I'm just scared

how that?

you could, idk, not like me 

character is my top priority and as long as you're my age it'll be fine

that's good, I guess
I still need some time 

it's fine, I'll wait

you're the best

even better than that skater?

way better 

I feel honoured 

as you should 

as I should 

Wrong number, OiSuga (chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now