Chapter 10

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Dylan's POV

I don't know what happened today. I was just pissed off. And I guess I hurt Danielle pretty bad. Truly I don't think I like her anymore.


As I walked into Zach's house everybody was already partying. I got that and I thought I saw Danielle kissing Zach. I looked over and started to move closer when I got there I acted cool and said, "Hey wassup Zach!" They stopped kissing and his eyes widened and then he shook my hand. I looked at the girl and it wasn't Danielle. I was glad but I knew the girl from somewhere but I couldn't tell. I looked again and I knew exactly who it was. My ex girlfriend, Raegan! I was so pissed I looked at Zach and punched him. We started fighting and then people were pulling us off of each other. I was so mad that I ran out the door. I didn't have a scratch on me but Zach did. Blood was pouring down his face.
--End of Flashback--

I didn't see Zach at school but I saw Raegan. She was pissed and so was I and she knew it. I saw Danielle walk into and to be honest I didn't want to talk to her today. So when she came up to me and hugged me I didn't hug back. She looked at me and then to her feet. I didn't feel bad either. Skyla tapped her and mouthed 'What's wrong with y'all?' I smirked and rolled my eyes and Danielle saw and ran off. Nathan just said, "Where are you going Danielle?" She just runs off and into the bathroom. I smirk and Nathan has me against the wall and Skyla runs back out. Skyla walks out of the bathroom and shoves me. "What the hell?" Skyla says and I reply, "What?" "Danielle is in there crying her freaking eyes out and your out here being an asshole to her." Nathan shoves me and pins me against the wall, "What is your problem? Why are you treating her like this. You know what she does to herself. And your gonna be a jerk to her. She freaking loves you." By this time everybody is staring I look at the doors and Destiny is running in. She runs up to us and asks where she is at Skyla says, "She is in the bathroom balling her eyes out because her boyfriend is being a jerk." She nods and runs into the bathroom. I start to walk away and Nathan calls after me, "You hurt her and I'll beat your ass."
Danielle's POV

After I texted Cody it was long before he was at my house. He brung pizza and coke and I was happy. He walked into my room and surprisingly he looked really hot. He wore a black Vamps shirt and blue jeans. His hair was brown like normally. He flipped it and I got chills down my spine. Dammit hormones! He sat down and just stared at me. Finally he said, "Hi!" I smiled and said, "Hey!" He laughed and opened the box. It was a meat lovers deluxe with sausage, ham, pepperoni, pork, and loads of cheese. I was in heaven! He noticed me staring at the pizza and said, "Hungry much?" I smirked and slapped his arm playfully and grabbed the biggest slice I saw. It was so good and it felt good to eat. I haven't eaten since that morning before the fight. All I did was cry and sleep. Ugh why did he have to be such a jerk. He was the perfect guy but then this? I'm so mad and I want to cry so badly. But not in front of Cody. I excuse myself and go to the restroom. I find my knife and I roll up my shorts. I start to cut and it stings. I cry but not because of the pain but because of Dylan. I here Cody get off the bed but I don't care. Somehow when you cut, you don't know what goes on around you. He opens the door and gasps. He grabs the knife and throws across the room. He runs my leg under the water in the bathtub and wraps a towel around my leg. I don't care and I barely know whats going on. He carries me to my room and lays me on the bed. My head is laying in his lap and hes playing with my hair. I move the towel off of my leg and I run my fingers over the cuts. I count 52 and there all over each other. I didn't know that you could do that many cuts. Cody moves his free hand to my leg and runs his fingers over the cuts. After that he runs his hand up and down my thigh. It feels good and it feels sexy. I moan and it surprised me and him. He laughs and smirks but he also moves up his hand to my hip and makes circles. He does it so slowly it feels really good. This time I stop the moan and grab his hand. He stops and I make circles on his hands and arms. He moans this time except he pulls me onto his lap and rubs my back and thighs. I don't want to kiss him because that will make me a hoe by doing that. Because breaking up with one guy and then making out with another is my definition of a hoe. So I don't I lean in like I'm going to but I just brush my lips against his and lay my head on his shoulder. I fall asleep like that so he moves me to where I'm laying my head in his lap and sleep. Hes playing with my hair and making circles on my stomach when I hear someones voice. I wake up and walk downstairs and Cody follows. My cuts are showing my mom notices when I get downstairs. My sister is at the door and so is my dad. My mom gasps and runs to me. She hugs me and cries in my shoulder. I move her off and wipe her tears away and rub her back. I turn towards the door and see everybody staring at my leg. My sister starts crying and runs up and hugs me. That's when I see whose at the door, Dylan. I scold him and that's when Cody comes up behind me and put his hand at the small of my back. Dylan notices and becomes angry. I tell Cody to go back up to my room or to the living room, he doesn't move. I say, "Please Cody? I need to deal with this on my own. And please everybody leave. Go to the living room and if I need y'all I'll call you. Okay?" They nod and leave my father scolds Dylan and turns to me. He hugs me and whispers, "You have your gun right?" "Yea Daddy. Its in the holster attached to my shorts." He kisses my cheek and walks to the living room. I turn to Cody and hug him and say, "Thank you for everything but right now you need to go with my family or something." He nods and walks away. Dylan tries to walk in but I stop him saying, "Nope your not allowed in this house or anywhere near me." He backs up says, "But your boyfriend is?" He flinches at the word and looks hurt. I smirk and say, "Nah but I thought you were." He flinches again and I laugh. He asks, "Why are you laughing at my hurt?" "Because I'm glad you get to experience what I went through this morning." He looks up at me and to be honest he looks really sad. But I don't care. He didnt cry when I was hurt so I'm not going to cry when hes hurt. He looks at my leg and asks, "Why did you do that?" I roll my eyes and say, "Why are you asking me a stupid question? Well here's your answer. I was hurt by the only person I love and I thought he loved me too. But you know what I guess not. Because he was a complete jackass to me and hurt me real bad. So yea Dylan I cut on my leg and arm. And all together I have 52 cuts on my leg and 23 on my arm. So all together you hurt me so bad that I hurt myself 75 times." Hes crying now and just laugh. "How does it feel Dylan to cry? Huh? I should know because I did this morning!" He just cries. "We're through and I'm not going to the dance with you. So go back to your house and leave me THE HELL ALONE!!" I'm screaming at this point and he flinches and gets up. He looks at me wounded and I smirk. He says, "I'm so sorry Danielle! Please forgive me? Please!" "Oh I forgive you but I'm not sorry for anything I just said." He turns around and walks home. I slam the door and run to my room. Cody comes in a little later but I'm already asleep. He lays beside me and wraps his arms around me and lays his head on my back, falling asleep.

Authors A/N

Sorry for such a long chapter. And also sorry for not publishing this chapter sooner. I've been really busy and plus I didn't know how I should word it. Sorry hope u like it. Follow me also plz and also on other accounts too plz:

Instagram: @kitkat_320

Snapchat: @kitkat3276

Kik: @katelynn328

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