Chapter 12

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----1 year later-----

Danielle's POV

It's my birthday today I'm turning 17! Me and Cody have been together for 1 year now. I'm vine, youtube, Instagram, snapchat, and twitter famous. Ever since prom I started doing crazy youtube videos, vine videos, insta vids, and others. I'm scheduled to go to magcon and meet the boys in two weeks. Their manager or whatever, Bart, told me that the guys really wanna see me so I'm going. I can't wait!
Ok now I have to get ready. My mom and dad our on business trips so they can't be here. At my party their will be alcohol and food, of course! I'm not sure about the alcohol because of all the drunk girls and guys here. Especially the people that are coming. And I know Cody drinks and he does tend to get really drunk I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid. Now I'm scared. I get ready and I'm wearing a teal blue party dress. I put my make up on and my shoes. I make sure everything is ready and that's when Skyla and Nathan show up. Skyla gives me a present and tells me, "Open it bitch before the drunkies get here!" (Is drunkies even a word??? Lol oh well!) I open it and inside is the exact same outfit and snapback that I wanted ever since my first youtube video! Oh my fucking gosh! I jump up and down I give Skyla the biggest hug. She's smiling and Nathan is laughing his butt off. "Shut up you bitchacho!" (Cred to: latinbaddie for putting bitchachos in my head! Ily girl! Go follow her!) He continues laughing and so does me and Skyla. Everybody else is showing up when I tell her I have to talk to her. I tell Nathan to welcome everybody and crap like that. Me and Skyla go to my room. "I'm scared." I say. "Of what?" "I'm scared that if Cody gets drunk he'll cheat on me. And I don't want that happening before I go see the guys." "It will be alright Danielle. If he does then Nathan will probs beat his ass." "No I don't want that. If he does I'll dump him and I'll forget about it. I'm not gonna cry because I'm through crying, trying, and fighting." Skyla smiles and hugs me, "That's my girl. Now lets go party and have fun your 17 for god sakes." We go back down and Cody is there. Skyla whispers in my ear, "If you need me come find me." And she walks off to Nathan. I walk over to Cody and he already has a beer. "Hey babe." I say and he jerks his head to me and smiles. "Hey my beautiful birthday babe!" I smile and he starts kissing me. He whispers in my ear, "You want your birthday present now?" I smirk and so does he. "Maybe, maybe not." He starts kissing my neck and I move his lips to mine. Everybody starts yelling stuff like get some, awe, damn son, and of course Nathan says, "I taught you well boy." And with that he starts kissing Skyla. I turn around with Cody kissing my neck and I say, "Keep it PG before I have little Skyla and Nathan babies running around!" Skyla gives me a dirty look and I say, "Get your asses up stairs! And not on my bed in the guest room please! Use protection!" They run up there and I go back to kissing Cody. Some are still watching and some are partying and drinking. Cody stands up and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and he pushes me against the wall. We're stilling kissing when I stop. We disconnect our lips and he moves to my neck. "Babe its my birthday and I need to enjoy the party. You can give me present afterwards." I say and wink at him. He smiles and puts me down. I kiss him one time and that's hen my phone rings. Logan, Cody's best friend, hands me my phone. Its Bart. I answer and say, "Hello?" "Hey Danielle," he has it on speaker I can tell, "whats that noise?" I can here the boys talking in the background. "Its my party. I'm 17 today so my friends decided to throw a party for me." "Oh well I knew that because your friend Skyla tagged me in a picture of you against the wall making out with someone and the caption read, 'My baby girl getting some on her 17th birthday. Thought you should know its her birthday Bart. Guess I should have used a different picture.' Happy birthday and we can't wait until you get here." Then someone screams, "Danielle you gotta see this!" I tell Bart to hold up and I turn around. Logan is pointing towards the couch and I see two people on it. I look closer and I see that its Cody. Logan mouths 'I'm sorry.' I nod saying that I'm ok. I run to my room and lock the door. I start talking to Bart again. "Is everything ok Danielle?" "No my fucking boyfriend is making out with some thot on my couch!" "Was that the boy you were making out with in that picture?" Nash asks. "Yea. But you know what I'm not gonna cry I'm gonna go down there and cuss his ass out and maybe cause a little pain for him. I send pictures and videos. Love y'all and I may be coming early if that's ok?" "Yes definitely! We would love that!" "Ok I'll come Thursday." "Ok bye Danielle! Now go mess up that asshole!" I laugh and say, "I will trust me! Love ya bye!" "Love ya too" I hung up and went to the guest room and get Skyla and Nathan. They were finish getting dressed. Technically thy were all ready dressed but Nathan kept messing with her. "I need you downstairs now. You gotta take a video of something." Skyla look confused and asks, "Why?" "You'll see when you get down here." She grabs her phone and gets ready to take the video." I come down and everybody turn their attention to me. I say, "I didn't cry and I'm not gonna cry." The girls are nodding and saying stuff like you go girl, good job and you shouldn't cry for a jackass like him. I walk over there and grab the girls hair and jerk her to the floor. I start beating the crap out of her. Skyla is getting it all on video. Everybody is laughing and saying that's what you get you hoe. I'm winning of course and I beat to where shes bleeding I get up and she gets up. I tell her, "Get the hell out of my house you thot and don't you dare bring your skank ass back here our I will cut you!" She runs out and Cody tries to run but I trip him. "And as for you. I'm done we're not together anymore and how bout you go catch up with your whore and fuck her as a birthday present because that coupon is non returnable. Now get the hell out of my house you little hoe!" He runs not before I kick him in the back pushing him our the door faster. Everybody is cheering. I bow and say, "Thank you. Thank you." I turn to the camera and say, "That's what you do to a thot that messes with your man. And that's what you do to your man if he lets her. So the lesson today is: don't cry, don't try, and dont fight. The fighting part is don't fight for someone that's not doing the same for you. Still beat a bitches ass. Love ya bye." Skyla cuts the video and hands me the phone. I hook it up to my Tv because everybody wanted to see it. I push play and it starts. To tell you the truth I looked good and it was funny as hell. I stop the video and post it on youtube. I send it to Bart through email on my computer and I save the video. Bart calls me a hour later. He has it on speaker again. "Damn gurl!" I hear Matthew say. "You beat that hoes ass!" Carter says. "No I beat that thots ass!" I say. They all start laughing. "And you left without a scratch." Bart says. "Yep." "Ok well get back to your party and tell your friend Skyla to delete the photo." "Already ahead of you." He laughs. "I gotta go. I got a party to attend my party." "We'll give you your present Thursday." "Guys y'all didn't have to get me anything." "Yes we did." Cameroon says. "Ugh ok. But Bart you think I could bring another vine star with me." "Sure." "Is it a girl?" I here Matthew say. "Yass Matthew but if y'all do date and you hurt her I'll beat your ass like I just did to that thot." Everybody starts laughing. "OK OK!" "Hes throwing his hands up." Shawn says. "Hahahaha! Bitchacho." I say. "Ok I got a go. Love y'all!" "We love you too!" They all say. "I wanna fuck you!" I here Shawn say. "Oh damn!" "Get some!" "Lover boy!" There all saying different things. "We can arrange that when I get there shawny!" "Awe hes blushing!" Nash says. "Haha I love you Shawny and I love all of you." "I love you too!" Shawn says. "Ok lover boy. We're gonna let Danielle get back to her party. We love you! See you and your friend Thursday!" "Byeeeeeeee!"

Shawn's POV

After the phone call all I could think about was Danielle. Also the guys kept picking on me about what I said. I can't help it I'm a hormonal boy. Not my fault shes hot as hell. I can't wait until she gets here Thursday.

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