Chapter Fifteen: See you Again

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That moment was something I wished to change, I ruined our friendship; forget the moments we had. We were no less than strangers.

The treasure hunt was mundane yet something cherishable because the treasure was none other than our friendship. The memories we made, was priceless and a treasure in true sense. The best thing about school days were fun with friends, the days you want to relive.

Board exams were close, and since that day; I haven't even talked to him. Remotely, he disrupted my mood and attention; either wise my whole focus was my studies.

Mothers are always specialised in figuring out the mood and situation of their children and no matter how much I tried to hide it, it was quite evident on my face that I was really having some tough days.

My mom opened my door, and glared at me, scrutinizing whether I was really studying or burying my face in mobile phone. She placed the glass of milk on my study table and gently caressed my head, "Is everything okay? You look so off these days. You can talk to me about everything, Right?"

"Everything's fine. Just, Exam stress" I fiddled with my pen, heart started beating fast as I lied.
You know, the thing I hate about Indian household is that you can't confide into somebody especially parents just because they will judge you. Especially, when parents should be the one knowing all about us and accepting the way we are.

I hate it when you can't turn to the closest people in your darkest times. The fact they would understand me and then console me was a mere illusion. Because I had always hold onto past and also judged my parents, I never even hoped in my life for something positive and that is why everything gets worse and I keep blaming myself for that, hurting myself .

Ample of exams were cleared and it was the last examination, which was my only goal left there in the city.
Sometimes, Sarah made me smile, laugh and giggle, trying to take out my fake mask I put on. She was oblivious of what happened between me and Arjun, but she wasn't idiot to believe in my lies and I filled her in.

The washroom was clear, as the girls left for their examination room. I broke in sobs, telling her everything.

"He is a shithead, why are you wasting your precious tears for that drama king. He just loves to be center of attention, but clearly, he isn't worth your attention. Listen to me, Naina" She straight looked at my eyes brimming with tears with a stern look on her face. "I know you are a sensitive person and you really care about other's feelings but sometimes you need to be selfish and when you are not okay. Self love is important more than anything, those people won't be together with you forever. And you guys had worst timing, and it's none of your fault. So, stop crying and blaming yourself just because that Shithead told two or three words to you. C'mon be a strong woman" She patted on my shoulders giving a strong boost of confidence and self worth.

Sometimes, you need a best friend like Sarah by your side. She made my life much brighter, because friendship is the sweetest form of relationship.

She was absolutely right and none of us could have done anything to manipulate the situation and time before us. The final examination was over, and there was great excitement and happiness on everyone's faces, of course, it should be, an undescribable joy of enjoying your holidays.

I had less time with my friends, before departing the city. And a final moment to clarify all our misunderstandings. But I couldn't see him nowhere; I got anxious because he got MIA( Missing in action) in the moment I needed him the most.

I asked all my classmates about him, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Sarah dragged me out of the students crowd and took me to a fancy restaurant near our exam centre.
And there they were and also Arjun, I got so glad atleast I could find him.

I smiled at everyone and sat with Sarah, and in front of us were Arjun and Aditya. I looked at Arjun, but he was showing his emotionless face to me, but I didn't care.

His cellphone rang and he went in side to pick up the call. And there I wasted another moment. I was impatiently waiting for him to join us and then there was another storm to hit us off. I really didn't want to believe, but we were never meant to be together.

"Hey guys. I wanna take a raincheck, but have fun" He dashed off hurriedly from the restaurant.


It was the last time I saw him, I thought he wanted to avoid me, so he ran from there. It wasn't at all. Thanks to the letter he slipped in my bag, it cleared all my confusions.

After settling down with our bags in in the plane, I sat down on my seat and rested my head on the window, after all it was a tiring and boring day. We didn't even say a proper 'Goodbye' to each other.

I rummaged through my backpack, searching for my headphones, instead I picked up a envelope packed wonderfully, definitely a letter written for me. I traced the words written on the cover of the envelope and slowly opened it -

For you,

I know, you wouldn't want to hear from me again, after how I reacted that day. I was an asshole. I wrote this letter to explain you how I feel about you. I know I could've just messaged you or told you physically.
Naina, I never felt so good and happy with anyone other than you. We spent a lot of time together, and I was so late to realise I loved you. Yes, I love you Naina Talwar. We can't be together that doesn't mean I would stop loving you.
And all of it, felt so real, like they say; some people cast a glimmer and Ray of Hope in your life. They are like angels.
You were my angel, you made me strong and vulnerable.
It is too late to even say now. When you told me, you liked me. I was pissed off because you didn't tell me before, or else we could share more memorable moments. And I didn't realise it before.
I hope whenever we meet again, fate will be on our sides.

Your friend,

Hey guys, Wedding chapter is soon to be updated

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