Chapter Twenty One: For Everything!

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Previous night, all the girls did a sleepover in my room, suggested by Sarah and all night we gossiped, danced, watched a rom-com, got drunk; free booze actually and then we slept like babies.

All of our phones were scattered and jumbled over one another on the night stand. One of the phones rang, since I was sleeping near the night stand, in a drowsy state, I reached out for it and picked up the phone.

Sarah pulled the blanket, as I tossed to my side and pressed the green call button and in a husky, sleepy voice; I said, "Hey. Sup?"

"Emergency" The shrill voice on the other side of the phone woke everyone up. "Aditya and Veer are fighting"

"Hold on a sec" I said to Jai and shook Sarah, Alia vehemently. "Get up quickly"

"We are coming in five minutes. Hang in there" I kept the phone on the night stand and climbed out of the bed.

Alia fell down from the bed, as she was sleeping on the edge. The girls woke up and rushed up to Veer's room where the fight was taking place.

Aditya threw a fistful punch on Veer's jaw, and in return he kicked on Aditya's abdomen.
Sarah ran to her man and back hugged him. "Stop it, just stop it" She said timidly.

"What were you doing?" Alia nudged Jai's elbow, who sat silently on the couch, watching the drama. He reacted as if he didn't know about anything.

Veer's nose was bleeding and Aditya's face was bruised, our intervention may have calmed the situation, not the chaos. Arjun wasn't present in the room, yawningly he stepped in the room, with tissues and first aid kit in his hands.

"Are you guys crazy, what were you thinking" Divya gave a menacing started and jeered.

"He doesn't have any right to insult me and my profession."  Veer growled pointing at Aditya

"And you don't have any right to be at my wedding" Aditya retorted back.

"Oh, so this is all about. My presence makes you uncomfortable. I'll leave today itself" He pulled his trolley bag and started packing things.

This wasn't the ending I imagined, things were getting worse than already is.
Arjun grabbed his hand, stopping him from doing his task. "You are not going anywhere until the wedding. You guys, we are friends. Stop being childish"

Veer scoffed. "Look who's talking, the guy who ignores us despite having ten years of friendship. You were so self concerned that you didn't even bother to keep a promise, because of a girl"

Arjun's eyes were filled with tears; because he knew it was the truth and it hurts bitterly than anything.

"Look, we've all made mistakes we are not proud of. Can we please put all this behind" Sarah said.

"We've grown apart over years, communication ceased to exist because of our busy life and new friends. And I don't know why you guys agreed for this reunion, but this means a lot to me and I won't let it get over for a silly reason" I said in a single breath.

"Yeah, so say sorry to each other" Alia gave a pat on her brother in law's back.

"He started the fight, he should apologize first" Aditya folded his arms, stiffened in his position.

Sarah whacked on Aditya's back and words tumbled out of his mouth. "I am so so sorry. I never should have said what I said. Forgive me"

"Yeah and I am sorry that I hit you hard"

They both giggled and hugged each other. Everyone looked at them in awe.

"I am also sorry that I didn't come with you at your film's success party, Veer. It wasn't because of a girl, I couldn't come because I had to attend my father's funeral." Arjun said.

I remembered, when Arjun confided in me about his strained relationship with his father. Seeing him like this, I felt the urge to hug him.

Watching Arjun getting emotional, Aditya and Veer bear hugged him. We all melted in tears and shared a group hug. It was a moment to be cherished.

Oh, didn't forget to mention, I had a date with Arjun and I was getting ready for it but nothing was enough. Am I looking little girly or more slutty with this makeup, like I said, nothing was enough.

Wearing a bright pink, shirt sleeve cold shoulder dress, mauve shade applied on my cheeks with pastel pink   gloss on lips.

I stepped out of the elevator, surprise me and I was, Arjun looked the most handsome and dashing man on the planet. I could smell his strong perfume from a distance, with a red rose bouquet in his hands.

"Hi" I waved my hand at him.

"Hey. You look.. enchanting" The way he was looking at me, he was in awe, I can say.

I giggled, my cheeks turning red. "I can say the same about you"

"For you, mon amour" He knelt down and presented the bouquet in a chivalric way.

I held the edges of my dress and bowed down, taking the bouquet. "Merci, chéri"

He held my hand and we walked to the car parked outside. He made reservations in a fancy restaurant, bit to me it seemed little off.

We were sitting opposite to each other, staring at the menu card idly. I was completely clueless, what dish I should pick.

"Can I make a suggestion?" I put the menu card aside and asked, something really seemed off.

"Sure" He replied

"We can have our date in a nice place, I know one. Come" I grabbed his hand and dragged him outside and by 20 minutes we were on a beach.

We bought bhel pudi and Chaat papdi on the way, the beach was vacant, we sat on the misty sand; eating snacks, laughing and gossiping.

"You'll catch cold, if you stay here all night. Let's get back to hotel" He said, as he sprang up on his feet.

"Okay." I got up, stumbling a little.

"I had fun today, did you?" He asked me, while I was wondering, does he have feelings me or not, or it was just for fun.

"Hmm, yeah" I answered absentmindedly.

He curled up his arm around my shoulder, touching it, sending thousand volt down my spine.

"Don't mind me asking, do you like me?" I asked

We suddenly stopped walking. He pulled up his arm and crossed his arms, we were having a serious conversation.

"Yes, if you want to know if this going anywhere, then no. I don't do relationships, Naina. Beginning of any relationship is sweet and nice, but then, people change and relationship drastically get worse"

I knew I would hear it, just not ready to face it.

" I and I, we are different. Our worlds are different and I can understand if you don't want to do relationship and that's why I'll be clean and clear, I did love you when I was a teenager and now again. I am afraid to do this but" Tears welled up in my eyes. "I am not going to wait for anyone either. I have a life planned out, thank you for being a part of it "

I hugged him before leaving.

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