Chapter Twenty: This was supposed to be Fun!

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It was riveting, quite actually. Being a socially awkward person and an introvert, it has never been easy talking to friends and meeting new people. Only the close people know how funky you are, but most of the time, I stay a reserved person.

The function was over and both the bride and the groom joined us in the lawn outside.

"Hey, have you heard of Amit?" Siya asked Alia.

"Who Amit?" She quirked her brows.

"The guy who was both our exes" Siya pursed her lips.

"Yeah. What about him?" Alia said nonchalantly scrolling social media site.
Siya brought her phone near and showed her the guy's Facebook post. Alia squinted her eyes and zoomed at the profile pic.

"What...Whom are you stalking?" Veer came in and intervened.

"It's not stalking. It's merely just checking in." Siya said doing a dramatic eye roll.

"Whatever. Hey Alia, can I talk to you for a second?" Veer asked her

Alia put the phone in her back pocket and looked at him. "Yes. What?"

Veer looked here and there at his friends before speaking up, "Not here"

The dubious expression on Alia's face faded and she went along with him.
I looked away from them and gasped. It was a long day starting from being a therapist to your friend to a amused revelation of true feelings for a friend. I made my way to go to my room, decided to order a pizza and binge watch some Netflix series.

Only if, someone stops me.


I immediately turned towards Arjun and shrugged.

"We are good, right?" He raised his eyebrow.

I gave a nod. "Yes, we are" Before the conversation get more awkward, I moved to get out of there.

"I was about to ask you out"

I craned my head towards his direction. Nope, I wasn't ready for this phase. "You mean a date?"
Great words coming out of your mouth, Naina. I mentally slapped myself.

"A non date..kind of" He uttered, fumbling with his words.

I scoffed, "What's a non date. Either it's a date or not"

"Okay. It's a date." He said looking down, his cheeks had a crimson shade.

I giggled at his shyness. It should've been my trait. "You look cute when you are nervous. I am damn sure, this isn't the first time you are asking someone on a date."

"It's because, I don't like the other girls, the way,I like you." He stared at my orbs, with a compressed smile on his face.

Was he flirting with me? Or was it true, he said.

"Naina. Sarah needs your help" A girl came running and said. Yes, that was I looking for. A perfect excuse.

"Umm. I have to go" I excused myself and went with the girl to Sarah's room. Stepping out of the elevator, I knocked on her door.

"Come in" A voice came from inside.

I pushed the door and entered her room. My eyes fell on the bed where all clothes laid scattered on it.

"What happened?" I asked, gazing at the mess in the room.

"Oh Naina" Alia in her bathrobe turned towards me. "I need your help. It's Sangeet and I've no clue what I'll wear and dance on" She said frantically, hopping on her toes.

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