Chapter 1.

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That was the only word, which ran through Fundy's head.
He knew he will get out of this damp basement, even for a minute. He craved for fresh air, touch of wind, warmth of the sun, anything...
He just had to feel it.

He stopped for a breath break, looking up from his muddy hands with dirt behind his claws. He was good at digging holes. He had gotten in troubles a lot with his father, when he found them. Now tho. Now was Fundy careful. He was digging this hole for days now, knowing he had to be over the L'Manberg borders, digging up for a while now.

This morning, when Wilbur left after having a quite breakfast in the basement with him, Fundy counted until he got to the end of the hole. A whole 13 minutes of crawling on his elbows, hardly enough for him to wiggle his sleek body through, making sure no one could follow him in.

He was proud of this.

Fundy looked up from.his dirt covered hands and sighed. "Today." He said, encouraging himself. Laying on his belly, he started to claw at the walls again, showing the dirt to the sides, where he pushed it into the wall to make more space for himself.

He started to hum the only melody he knew, The L'Manberg anthem, while huffing. He felt the dirt under his fingers becoming more and more stony, with gravel here and there, sometimes getting his claws stuck in a root or two. That ment trees. And these ment surface.

He dug a little way off, dodging a big root, than clawing up again, until the dirt gave way and powerfully rays of sunshine ran through a hole.

He had dug his way into a Fox den. Well, how convenient. He thought for himsel, brushing his muzzle of, than looking around. He was definitely in a forest, still with his legs in the hole he just dug.

Heaving himself out, he stretched properly for what felt like years, breathing in the fresh air, which felt so clean and light! He smiled, letting out a giggle as he opened his eyes and looked at the leaf covered sky.

He felt joy spill inside of his chest as he saw the moving clouds on the sky. He couldn't help it...

He started to happily jump around the soft green grass, his high boots crushing the blades into a mush.

With his little fangs showing he walked a little ways off, glancing back at the tree. He started at it for a moment or two, than came back and carved a little Fox tail into the bark.

He than happily smiled and looked around.

When he walked a bit away again, he twitched his ear at the sound of water, running somewhere close. He jogged to it, feeling extraordinary.

With a slow movement, Fundy dipped his dirt covered hands into the cold stream, running under some roots. Beautiful flowers bloomed around it, some blue, some red, he even saw some yellow once, those with puffy heads. He couldn't remember any of them, tho.

He reminded himself of a beautiful moment he remembered...

When Fundy and his dad were still allowed to go outside of the borders, he used to take the little 5 year old child on long walks, where he showed him a lot of trees and flowers, talking about them.

In one moment he keeled on a ground, glancing with happy gaze on a white puffy and soft looking flowers. He grabbed one and pulled Fundy closer to himself.

"... these little once are already after bloom. The white things are little umbrellas, which will hold t into the seeds, until they land somewhere. Look." Wilbur said, and than blew a little on the little puffy ball, which started to part away and fly into the air, dancing in the soft breeze.

Fundy felt amazed that time. He loved the little seeds. It reminded him of snow, and Christmas. He chuckled, reaching his little hand to it. Wilbur chuckled too....

Wilbur chuckled too............

Wilbur forgot how to chuckle... or smile.... He couldn't even get out a laugh. He tried earlier, but he couldn't now.

It ate Fundy alive. The outside was so peaceful and his own father kept him in that stuffy basement, not carrying about him. He had no one there, except when Wilbur came into the upper floors to sleep, eat or do other things.

He met with only him at the mornings and evenings, and sometimes not even than. They would eat together in the basement in silence and than would Wilbur go up the ladder again, locking the trapdoor.

Fundy was a prisoner. And he finally got a way out!

The fox boy sighed and looked up again, smiling. The sun was nice and he felt his lungs get clearer.

He wished he could stay here longer, just sitting here with his hands in the water. It felt nice...

But than he reminded himself of his father's fury, when he would find out he was outside, that he dug a hole and did not listen to anyone.

Fundy got up with heavy heart and shook his hands in the air, drying them. Looking at the sun again, he slowly walked back to the tree with fox tail carved into it's bark. But before he would jump in head first, he  looked at a little flower next to him. Bright yellow ball... He liked it.

Grabbing it by it's stem, he snapped it of and broth closer to his face. He quickly hid it in his fur and jumped into the hole, crawling back.

14 minutes. When he had gotten back into the dark musty room, with one torch as a light source he dusted himself off and slowly patched the hole he escaped through.

And just in time. He heard a door open and close, with heavy footsteps of his fathers military boots falling on the ground, as he came closer to one of the back rooms and to the back wall with chests everywhere.

Fundy heard one of the chests move aside, letting some sunshine through the holes in the little door. Than he heard fumbling with the lock and keys being pulled from underneath Wilbur's uniform.

With a loud audible click the lock have way and Wilbur opened the door, sliding feet first onto a sturdy oak ladder and looking at Fundy.

"Hey there, champion." He greeted his son, while stomping down and than jumping on the dirt ground. "I hope you weren't deviating too much." He said, trying for a joke.

None of them both even cracked a smile. With a sigh, Wilbur layed down a box with food. He looked back at Fundy, his eyes tired like. "Eat it up, champ." He murmured and turned back around, reaching for the ladder.


Wilbur stopped himself and turned around, with his foot on the ladder. "Yes, Fundy?"

"I... I remembered something... And wanted to ask you..." He got out and looked at the ground. Wilbur blinked and smiled, listening to him.

"Do you remember, when I was five, how we were going around the fields outside of border? Before mom left?" Fundy asked, looking up from the ground. Wilbur nodded slightly.

"You showed me a flower.... Yellow one... Shaped like a ball... What was it c-" He stopped himself, when a call sounded from above.

"President!! Tommy wants to speak with you!"

Fundy looked at his dad, hoping he will at least listen to the rest, but Wilbur was already hurrying up the ladder and closing the door, locking it swiftly and barricading it with the chest.

The boys ears dropped. He sighed and looked at the box again. He sat on his bed, pushing his legs underneath the table and opening it.

The same as always...

He thought, looking at the carrots, baked potatoes and cooked porkchop. An Apple played next to it, chopped into smaller pieces. Rare.. The word popped into his mind, as he took a piece of cold meat and started to chew.

He hadn't had an Apple in a while now. Somebody must have find one.

He sat there, eating, all alone and thinking about the outside. He took out the flower he had brought back, twisting it in between his fingers. He hoped he could remember how was it called.....

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