Chapter 11.

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The room was quiet, clock on the wall ticking. I opened my eyes, staring into the blue lit room, tucked into heavy hides and cloths. Something stirred next to me, shiverring from cold air, which traveled underneath the covers.

I could not recognize the men, scarred heavily, with dirty blond hair and fair skin.

I sighed, relaxed, looking around the room. Even tho I had no idea, what was I doing here, I trusted this place.

With a little stretch, I layd back down, feeling the mans hand wrapp around my waist. His sweet scent flowted over me, and lulled me back into deep slumber.

Than I opened my eyes angain, with cold nipping at my eye lids. I had been dreaming? I asked myself in confusion. But it felt so real....

I got up, untangling myself from the messy roll I had becom through out the night and stretched my arms high above my head.

With a little sniffle I tried to remember where am I. Than my cheek stung a little and flood of memories came into my mind, reminding me of yesterday.

I head light shuffling next to me, as Dream turned to me. "Morning, Fundy." He said, rolling his sleeping pad again.

I nodded at him a bit hesitantly, mumbling 'morning' too. I yawned, covering my mouth with my hand, while touching my chest with my chin. Than I shook my head a little, puffing out my flat fur.

When I opened my eyes again, Dream was staring at me, the sleeping pad in his hands. "Something of matter?" I asked with a little tilt of my head.

"You probably never bitten into anything, did you?" He asked me, standing up while tying the pad with a string.

I shook my head again, in a 'no' motion. "Why?" I asked, while getting up, dropping some coat piece I was holding. It fell to the ground, wrapping me in a damp warmth.

"Just asking. You have really nice teeth. Could be really sharp." He said, while making a step forward, lightly touching my muzzle. I made a face, when he touched the place where Wilbur hit me.

Although not visible, there was a bruise. Big, pulsating bruise, hot to touch, creating a little nibbling head ache to me.

Dream clenched his hand, pulling it back to him. Than he sighed. "We gotta teach you some survival things. You can't be skill-less forever." He said, turning around and walking in a direction.

I quickly followed, grabbing the hem of the cloak. Soon we came to a wast meadow, framed with tree line. Several cows and sheep were munching on grass here and there, keeping in herds.

"Now." Dream said, grabbing his axe off of his shoulders. "Show me, how fast can you run. On all four and just the back feet." He told me, leaning onto a tree.

I nodded, pulling the coat off my shoulders. The pastel L'Manberg uniform was still fastened on my shirt, making it hard to move my hands. I took it off too, letting morning cold lightly nip on me. The sun was now shining, warming my fur and burning on my cheek.

I dropped on all four, with a smile and looked around. I gave Dream a little wag of my tail, and than took off.

I dug my hind legs into the ground, the shoes slipping slightly on the dewy grass. Even tho it was slippery, I still ran fast. I ran past some beards, frightening the animals and than stopping in the middle of the meadow, out of breath.

I looked at Dream, got up on my back legs only and ran back a lot slower than before. Dream looked at me through the mask and stood up properly.

"This won't do." He said, grabbing his axe. "Give me your shoes." He said, standing his hand towards me.

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