Chapter 15.

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Fundy P.O.V.

I glanced at the two small houses in the middle of nowhere, while the snowflakes fell around us. We tracked behing Techno for a few days now, while he was taking us through tundras and snowy plains. He looked behind himself, glanced at me and Dream.

"We are almost there, don't worry." He said, pointing with his sword.

The place looked cozy, bathed in night and warm gloom of lanterns. The chimneis were smoking lightly and as we walked through the fences, a person walked out from one of the houses. The person looked at us, shifting his dark feathery wings. He had a loose black and green dress like thing on him, with green and white striped hat on his head. His blond locks fluttered around him, as few crows flew on the fencing around him.

"Techno! You're back!!" He yelled and the crows flew away, starled from his sudden voice rise.

Technoblade smiled and walked to the stairs and hugged with the man. "Hello, Philza. No problems, I see?" He asked and let go of him.

The blond smiled and folded his wings for some crows to sit on them. "No problems at all. Carl missed you, tho." He told him and looked behind Technoblade.

I looked at him, hiding slightlybehind Dream and hoping he won't keep his blue gaze on me for long.

"And who are you, little guy?" The blond, Philza, asked, when he looked at my face, tilting his head a little. Dream shifted a little, nodding to Phil with his nodding back.

I looked up at Dream, while he nodded at me too. "I'm Fundy." I said, loud enough.

Phil smiled and offered me a hand to shake, me accepting and than wrapped his shoulders into his gown. "It's cold here. Come on in!" Phil told us with a hand wave and walked into the cabin.

Techno followed, with Dream and me right behind him. I stepped inside, shaking my feet out of the door and looked around the warm room.

It was filled with chests and barrels, with some devices and kinds of work benches around. There were torches and lanterns on the pillars and roof, lighting the place in warm yellow light. In a fireplace close to the furthest wall cracked fire, with heat radiating from it.

The whole place smelled of bird feathers and smoked meat, which was laying on a furnace. I sniffed around a little, with a feeling of eyes on me.

When I turned around, I saw Phil looking at me, with a very kind smile. "Hungry, little guy?" He asked, wrapping one hand in his gown, letting the crows sit around the room, on branches nailed to the walls.

I nodded at him hesitantly, looking at Dream, who nodded lightly, to tell me, that I can. Phil chuckled a bit and went to the furnace, some crows following him. He took some dried meat off the furnace and brought it to me. "Here you go!" He said in a cheerful voice, while Technoblade started to tak to Dream about some matters surrounding the war.

Philza soon joined them and they started to talk, gesturing with their hands and shaking their heads. I watched, while eating the piece of meat, glancing from the tall pig man to Dream and than to the winged man.

I didn't caught what they were talking about, even with my better hearing, but I overheard some things like; war, L'Manburg, he cannot, Wilbur and kill. I was slightly confused about it, but frankly enough, Dream will tell me what it was, or he won't.

I peeked out of the window, looking around the snowy place and glancing up at a smaller hill, or mountain, which was right behind the cottages.

"Ok, you can stay for a bit! Techno can teach the little guy some things he knows, so you won't have that much of work with him."

I spun around as Philza grabbed his gown and held it up, with some crows landing on him. With a tilted ear I glanced at Dream, bitting a piece of meat off and chewing slowly.

"I think that you could sleep in the basements. It's nice and warm down there." Techno turned on Dream, when Philza disappeared behind some door, the flock of crows following.

I watched Techno closely. It does not seem, like there is a basement here, more over basementS! I felt the fur on my back fluff up in terror. "Could we.... maybe... not?"

Techno turned around. "Has it something to do with your father being a dick?" He asked, mentioning the time I was locked away. I nodded lightly as I shifted from foot to foot, poking a hole into the piece of meat I was given.

Technoblade sighed and looked around the walls and doors, thinking. "Well,.. you could sleep here. It's warm and comfy here. Although, there are no beds..." He said and walked to the door, leading out onto the porch.

Dream came closer to me, grabbing my shoulder lightly. "Do you feel good? Aren't you lightheaded?" He asked, turning me to the window. I sighed and looked to the ground.

With a shrug I looked out, feeling easier. "A little... it feels weird to be inside after such a long time..." I said and felt him rub my shoulder a little, while Techno watched, his gaze burning a hole on me.

Dream turned his head to look at him, sighing a little. He let go of my shoulders and walked to our backpacks. "We should prepare to get some sleep now. If you want to train Fundy, he'll need all the energy he can get." He said to Techno, taking out our sleeping pads.

He threw mine to me, while he untied a lace around his one. I started to untie mine, wrapping the lace onto my fingers, when Dream walked to me and spreaded his pad next to me.

I looked down at him, watching him. "Here?" I asked. I could feel some drafts throughout the window.

"Yes, here. I worry, that your stay in the basement might have made you uneasy about closed spaces." He said, while tugging on my tail a little. He had this as a way of making me go certain way, when he didn't want to talk.

I fell to my knees, rolling the pad open and spreaded it beneath my knees. I watched as Dream layed down, while I worked and than followed my lead. Technoblade still stood at the door, watching us get settled in.

"You can take the food from the furnace, if you'd feel hungry." He said and opened the door onto the porch. "Good night." He rasped and closed the door behind him.

The room feel into comfortable silence, disturbed only by the crackling fire. I turned onto my side, looking at Dream. He was turned to me, his mask seemingly watching my face as I blinked at him.

"What are you thinking about?"

I smiled lightly, flicking my tail. "If I will dream again." I answered, shifting a bit and making myself more comfortable.

He sighed and shifted closer to me, wrapping his hand around me. "If you will, than you will. I'm keeping close to you, so if anything happened, wake me up."

I nodded at him a little, stunned my his hand, lazily thrown over my shoulder. I softly wrapped my tail around his flank and closed my eyes, falling asleep soon.

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