Chapter 22.

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I had just found a perfect Fundy song for this AU (It sings about a girl, who "grew up withing these castle walls" and everyone warned her to STAY THERE, and than a creature said, "please, let me in, imma be a good boy, i want to control you!") lol

Fundy P.O.V.

After we finished our meals, Phil came in. I was just quick enough to warn Dream to put his mask on. Phil just shot his gaze away from us and chuckled. With a small smile playing on his face, he walked close to us.

"Prepared for the little knowlage test I promissed, little man?" Phil asked and took the bowls from us, stacking them on top of each other. When I looked up with my expression saying, that I am mentaly tired, Phil got a little taken aback. "Is something happening?" He said over me, when I wanted to give him the green light.

I shook my head no after a little hesitation and stood up, taking Dreams shoulder as a support. I looked at Phil. "I am ok enough to take your little quiz, Old man!" I said, trying to sound funny, but kinda obviously failing.

Phil looked at me kinda weird and dropped his shouders a notch, before some of the crows cawd at him and flocked a little further away. Than he just nodded and looked at me, his brows frowned in a worried way.

He turned on his heal and walked towards the little kitchen area, dragging his robes behind him. After he closed the door, he turned to me. "Ok. Lets start."


I dropped my head onto the table, making a loud hollow sound and sighed. "I don't knooow....." I whined, trying to remember, who was the leading God in creation of the Dream SMP lands. I knew it was not Dream himself, as he came to the play a lot later, even tho the lands are named after him.

"C'mon, little man! I know you know." Phil said, supporting his head in the palm of his hand. He smiled with an understanding expression.

I looked to the side, sighing loudly and screwing my brain to dig up that sliver of information. Than a lightbulb went on in my head. "Puffy. She drained portion of the sea and let others rise the almost dry land into a vast island, which later became a continent of it's own." I said, looking Phil in the eyes. He nodded happily and scribbled a little checkmark a some paper lying next to him with his own feather.

Than he looked at me, mischief in his eyes. "Now, last question. There is a war going on right now. Who is fighting with who?" Phil asked, folding his hands neatly to his chest, while still resting them on the table.

My brain stopped working in that second. My happiness of a correct answer disappeared and I was staring at Phil with a frozen smile on my face. With a little breath out, I looked at the table.

"L'Manburg is in war with Dream, because they want independence. Dream on the other hand wants the lands to stay United, as to not repeat what happened with human race." I said, remembering what I told Dream about Wilbur, when we first met.

Father uses it a lot, but he never explained it to me.

I looked up, hoping my expression was as blank as it could be and looked Phil straight in his eyes.

He marked the paper with another checkmark and nodded, clearly trying to avert my gaze and being uncomfortable from making me uncomfortable.

Than, with a simple head gesture, he let me go, telling me my results as I walked to the door. I smiled at him and nodded a goodbye and closed the door behind me.

With a sigh I ventured out to find Dream, who was still in the main room, siting in front of the furnace. He didn't pay me any mind, until I sat down next to him.

"What's with that face, huh? Was Phil way to hard for you?" He asked, tilting his head to a side, mask still on. I sighed and looked directly into the fire.

"I got 48 questions out of 53 correctly. Its not that..." I said, feeling my face grow hot with sorrow.

Dream looked at me more directly, watching my profile carefully. "Was it something he said?" He asked, pulling the mask down. I nodded and felt a small tear seep through my eyes and soak into my fur.

I took a breath, shaking in the process. "He asked about the war.... I .. don't feel good talking obout it ...." I told him truthfully.

Dream tensed, his face showing a little of shock, and a lot of anger. "He did way worse demage, than we thought, didn't he?" He asked, closing his eyes and than pulled me closer to him, making me rest my head on his chest.

I hurried my muzzle in his chest, letting the tears fall slowly. While Dream softly ran his hand over my back, I got lost in my thoughts.

He did a lot of bad things... He lied. He abused people...... What all did he do, what we don't know about? He definitely manipulated. Not only me, but Tommy probably too. He did say some horrible things to Tommy too, back when I was still in the basement.

Suddenly a memory flooded over me.

"Why do we need to talk about it with them, Tommy? Don't you believe me? Do you think I don't have the best interest in my mind for all of us? For YOU??" I heard Wilbur's voice yell from one of the upper rooms, while I blinked around, being woken up by him.

"I don't think that, Will, I just want to try a calm approach! You know that we have a lot of injured from last attack. It's just that I am afraid-" "I want just the best for you. I know that Dream won't listen to anything. He would just laugh in your face, spit in it and than shoot you down!" Wilbur's voice rang through the floors and walls, louder than if he would speak right next to me, if he would be in this room.

"I need you to believe me, Tommy." He said. "The war is almost over, brother. We are this close!"

I came back from the memory. I remember, that Tommy than agreed. That was when I was 12. The war was only starting, picking up the pace.

I can clearly remember, that Wilbur started with the bloodshed. Than I remembered a scream. Now I know, that the voice and screaming was from Eret. He had lost some part of his eyes that day. Not necessarily his sight, he still has a great eyesight as I know, but he never let me see his eyes.

I looked up at Dream again. He was staring at the side, his eyes glossy.

"How did the first battle with L'Manburg go?" I asked and looked on, as Dream looked down at me, coddling me in his warm embrace.

He sighed and looked up. "It.... Uhh..... It was bad. Wilbur had a lot of recourses, mainly in explosives, and he used everything he could to win. Even when it would cost lives of his own. I remember, that there were dead on both sides, but most of them were with him. And injured. Mainly on the other side of the battlefield. I can just remember Sapnap being injured, his leg bleeding. Wilbur tho..... There was a man, who's face was not visible due to the sheer amount of blood, a woman missing her legs..... A lot of things. Even one, who's eyes were filled with blood... I think he must have lost his sight...."

Dream looked down, sorrowful. Than he looked up at me. "While I was roaming Phil's library, I found letters from Will. He told Phil, that they already won seven years ago. That they are a peaceful fisherman nation, but that he can't visit, as it is still dangerous.... He told him, that you've died when the war started, and that that was why there is a war." He said and softly touched my cheek.

"Phil believes him. And I think Techno does too."

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