Chapter 8.

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Fundy's POV

When Nikky started to talk again, I turned back to her.

"I am so glad to see you again! You were so little when you disappeared!"

I thought for a moment, letting her speak. Disappeared... everyone thinks this. I've told myself with my ears dropping with sadness. Did Wilbur told them these?

".. anyway, you must be hungry. It's almost lunch time." She said, snapping me back to consciousness, while dragging me to a comfortable looking little building. She swiftly opened the spruce door and pulled me inside.

It was small and cozy, filled with a lot of flat surface, some dirty, some with plants on it, some see through. There was a lot of plants in small boxes, either sitting on the tables and such or hanging from the ceiling on iron chains.

With a soft hum she started to open different cupboards and taking things out, such as plate, a bowl, silverware and other. Than, spinning around she looked at me. "Sit."

I sat down at the first table I found and watched her again, as she started to pour something hot into the kitchen. "I am the town baker, but I can make soup, whatever Tommy says." She mumbled under her breath and put the "soup" in front of me.

I looked at it with confused eyes.

"How do you... eat it?" I asked.

Nikky glanced at me, surprised. "With a spoon." She answered.
"Well..," I said, taking a spoon from the table. "I had soup maybe when I was 5, if I can even remember that..." I've said and looked at her.

She looked to be taken aback, from the look of her face, but she quickly lost it and came to me. "Well, you will take the spoon," she started, as she took the spoon out of my hand, "put it in the bowl and take it out, like this," she showed me the now filled spoon, "and than blow lightly until it's warm to your liking, so you won't burn your tongue." She said and lightly blew on the spoon and than pulled it to me to take.

I nodded at her, taking the filled spoon and put it in my mouth. It was warm, but tasty. I can't remember, when I tasted something in a while.

Maybe because it's water? It could wash the dirt of my teeth...

I took another spoonful, just as she showed me. Nikky just watched happily, with her hands on her hips, looking proud.

"There! Is it good?" She asked, cheery.

I smiled and nodded and hurried to eat it. It tasted better and better with every spoon.

Nikky, meanwhile, opened a weird stony.. thing and took out a flat piece of iron, with bread on it. It's smell hit my face like a fresh air.

"Wow!" I said, looking as she layed it on the table.

"It smells wonderful! Is it bread?"

Nikky looked at me, kinda weirdly. "You can smell it from back there?" She asked. I looked at the distance between us, which did not seemed that far away. "Yeah! It's really good looking too!" I nodded and smiled.

"Umm.... How?" She asked, turning her head slightly.

"Well, I am not quite a human, you know." I answered. Wilbur had explained to me, that I am different. Part fox...

"You can't?" I asked her, after she nodded in a quick moment of understatement.

"No, I can't." She sighed. "I wish I could tho. Than I would be even better baker than now!" She said, smiling brightly and with confidence in her voice.

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