Chapter 16.

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The picture above is how Fundy would look like in the story. I do not take credit for the art and I cannot decipher who made it. I think it was Brodyyquest? If anyone knows, please tell me. - Thanks!

Fundy P.O.V.

I slowly opened my eyes into a direct sunlight, shining on me. I squinted my eyes, squirming a little, but Dreams hand stopped me.

He was still asleep, his hand and part of his coat wrapping my side and breathed softly. I watched a little, smiling at him.

I sighed silently, lifting my head and looked around the room. I wondered about what Dream told me about. I didn't really felt anyhow about me being closed inside of this room, but the thought of a basement, closed, dark and damp, with only one way out, made me feel dreadful.

I shivered, my fur spiking out. With the motion, Dream woke up, sitting into an up right position. "Are you all right?" He asked, sounding a little spooked.

I nodded at him. "Yeah, I just.. I thought about the thing you've said, about me, not liking to be inside."

"Do you feel good? Uneasy? Are you ill?" He started asking, grabbing my shoulders and turning me around, so I could look out the window.

"No, no." I smiled at his actions. "This room is okay. The basement gives me shivers, tho." I told him, feeling his grasp loosen up. He slowly slid his hands down my arms, letting me turn back, facing the room.

I smiled at him. "Don't worry." I said, blinking. I flicked my ear, hearing a door open and heavy footsteps outside.

"I think Technoblade is here." I said, listening to the snow crunching underneath the pig man's shoes. His smell flowed into the room, filling the air with smoky and sweet scent.

The doorknob moved as Technoblade walked in, shaking the snow off his shoes. He glanced at us, and smiled.

"Morning!" I smiled at him, tilting my head happily.
"Good morning to you too." Techno answered and walked closer to the furnace, taking a piece of steak and chomped on it. He kneeled to the stone furniture and started to load it with wood.

I watched closely, stretching my hands above my head. "If you fanth, you can geth some stheach too." (If you want, you can get some steak too.) He said over the meat in his mouth.

Dream looked at him, trying to decipher what Techno said, while I packed my sleeping pad. I smiled and looked up at Techno.

"If I could take another one..." I told him, dropping my sleeping pad to my things. He turned around, a steak in his hand and offered it to me.

Before I could take it, Dream stopped me. "I think we should take care of our own food. We don't want to owe you anything." He said and dipped his head a bit.

Techno looked up at him, rising his brow. "You won't owe anybody for the food. It is a simple necessity. And the training is a favor." He added, before taking a bite of the steak. "Oh, and... It is a favor for Fundy. Not you, Dream." He added quickly.

Dream raised his head a notch, confusion seeping through his skin and clothes. "I.. ok." He stuttered out and shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

I looked from Dream to Technoblade. "Thank you, Techno." I said, dipping my head to him. I took the steak from his hand, while Techno offered another piece to Dream, who hesitantly accepted.

I chomped onto the piece of meat and glanced at Dream, who carefully lifted his mask and bit off a piece.

I glanced back at Techno. "When do you want to start the training today?" I asked him and bit into the meat again.

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