Chapter 18.

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Fundy P.O.V

I opened my eyes, looking up around the room, while stretching a little. Dream was pressed to my back, softly breathing and holding my upper arm.

With a soft grunt I rolled around, coming face to face with him. His mask rested on his cloak, leaving his face and hair free to the world to see.

The sun, shining through the window, under which we slept, made his hair look like a halo and shone on his nose and lips. I smiled as his eyes fluttered and he opened them, blinking sleepily.  I watched as he looked around, stopping on me and chuckled as he stiffened.

"Morning." I said, blinking him. He seemed to remember what he had done yesterday, as he woke up from a frowned thought and eased into a smile. "Morning." He sighed and pulled his arm away from my own arm. The reassuring warmth of his touch left as he stretched his hands above his head and shifted my coat away from his body.

I stretched my shoulders a little, before sitting up and rubbing my eyes, feeling the fur on my arms stand up.

Yesterday night we were so warm, that we took off our over clothing, such as my jacket and Dream his two cloaks away and fell asleep in just what we had. I looked around, grabbing my black leather jacket and putting it over my shirt.

Dream took his mask and put it on his face, sighing and reached for his coat.

Just as he wrapped one of the coats over his shoulders, footsteps appeared from outside, than the door opened and in came Technoblade, covered in snow.

He swiftly closed the door and took off his own cloak, hanging it on an antler on a wall. The snow on it was slowly melting away, as he looked at us, still on the floor.

"Morning, Technoblade!" I said cheerfully and waved him. Dream just rised his hand in a hi and took his other coat, wrapping himself in it.

Techno dipped his head while saying "Morning to you two, too." And walked to the furnace. He loaded some firewood in it and took a peak at some rabbit meat, that Phil had put there yesterday.

Dream pushed me off of our sleeping pads and I, with a chuckle, walked to Techno. "What are we gonna do today?" I asked, looking as he worked.

"Probably dodging in harsh conditions. It's snowing so much,that it looks like a storm is coming." He grumbled and looked up.

I glanced out of the window, where the rats I'd sunshine were starting to get covered by huge balls of snow. I sighed and glanced back at Techno, who was holding out a whole cooked rabbit and had a piece of other one in his mouth.

I took the meat and walked to Dream, who rolled the pads into their travelling form and sat down next to him. I halved the carcass and offered it to Dream, to choose one of the halves.

He looked at them and took the front part, lifting his mask and sitting with his back to Techno.

"Wow, you must really like Fundy, ay Dream?" Techno said, looking as Dream ate the meat with his fingers.

I scoffed playfully and wagged my tail a bit, leaning onto Dreams back.

He chuckled a tad, not caring for Techno, while we both ate with our backs touching.

I watched as Techno ate his rabbit, throwing the bones into the furnace and watched his feet.

I stretched my toes on my feet, feeling the injured foot and testing. I could feel the wool tearing away from my skin a little, stinging a bit, before I stopped and took another bite of the food.

"How are the legs, little man?" Phil asked, while coming into the room, his robe wrapped around his shoulders and wings. The flock of crows followed right behind him, some landing on me and the ground around.

I looked up, but when I opened my mouth, one of the crows started to caw.

"I don't think it's infected, Karl." Phil said, while walking closer to me. Another crow made itself heard, right in front of Dream, peering underneath his mask.

"Do you think so? I don't know how he looks like." He said, listening to some more cawing. "I guess he could be handsome, Richie. But, I don't know. And stop peering at him." He said, hitting the crow over its head, when it hopped to him from Dream.

I watched in awe, as the crows all cawed at once, while I flattened my ears to block out the noise.

"Hey, HEY! No! Shut!" Phil started, yelling at the crows, while their calls sounded like a laughter. Some of them  flew over to Dream again, while he lowered his mask to block out their view.

The crows sounded a little disappointed afterwards and became quiet again, but Dream mumbled something under his breath and turned to look at Phil.

"Sorry, mate. They are really interested." Phil said, while shrugging and bent to carefully grab my foot to examine it.

I watched as he unwrapped the leather, with the crows supervising. A strong herb scent hit my nose, making my eyes water, as he grabbed at the wool to take it out.

After he took all of the wool pieces out, he threw them into the furnace to get rid of them and took out new wool from his pocket.

I sighed and took a bone of my breakfast and started to chew the meat off of it, while watching Phil move his fingers.

Dream continued to eat too, although with his mask a lot more lowered than before.


With a smile I glanced at Phil's hands, wrapping the leather back around my feet and tying it down firmly. It felt good....

After he repeated the process on the other foot, he joined us at the silent breakfast and sat close to Techno, bunching on his portion.

I looked out the window, watching as the snow storm became stronger and stronger, slowly hiding the rays of sun.

I shivered, thinking about the cold which will be out there, but than smiled again, as I wondered how does it feel, if snow blows into your back.

Techno must have saw me, because he got up from the ground and stretched a bit, walking to the door.

"C'mon, Fundy. The sooner we start, the sooner we end." He said, while putting on his cloak.

I swiftly threw the bones of my meal into the furnace and followed behind, slipping out the door and into the freezing snow plains.

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