Chapter 6.

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Fundy's POV

I woke up with a jerk, looking around my room. The warmth of the dream went away swiftly, leaving me empty handed and feeling so lonely.

Looking at the cloak, in which I was still wrapped, I quickly recalled yesterday's night. The rain, the talk, the hug and the dream afterwards. I blushed, sniffing the cloak, and cuddling closer to it.

The touch...

I recalled how Dream held me, how the man in the dream pulled me closer to him.. I want that...

I heard a heavy click. Realizing it was the lock on the trap door of the basement I quickly hid the cloak under the bed, sitting up just as Wilbur peeked inside.

"Morning champion!" He smiled weakly,dark circles underneath his eyes. "Had you slept well?" He asked, while dropping his legs onto the ladder, climbing it down.

"Better than a baby." I said, saying the truth. I had had the best sleep in years.

"Hope you are hungry." Wilbur said and stepped away from the wall. "The food is still a little warm!"

He gave me a box, warm for a touch and a fork and sat down next to me.

With a little hesitation I leaned onto his shoulder, feeling a bit lonely after the night. He looked at me, surprised.

"What is it, Fundy?" He asked, slowly lowering his fork with fresh fish down.

I just looked up at him, with sad eyes. "I just wasn't hugged for a while now..." I said.

He wrapped his hand around me. "How did you remembered so suddenly?" He asked me with a confused chuckle.

I looked down, thinking about a little lie I could tell him. "I dreamt about mom..." I whispered. This always made him not ask questions.

He froze, burning a hole into my head with his gaze. I pressed a bit more into him, hoping he would have the same effect as Dreams hug had. The warmth of his.....

But he did nothing. Just sat there, box in his lap and one hand on my shoulder. I sighed, when I didn't felt him move a muscle. I sat back up properly and took a bite off of the fish, looking at a piece of bread with a big hole in it.

Wilbur sighed next to me, running his hand through his hair. He was clearly still looking at me, his eyes glued to the back of my head. He lifted his hand and put another mouthful of food to his mouth.

"Would you want to go out for a moment?"

I lifted my ears and spun my head around with a surprised face and stared at Wilbur. "W... what?" I asked him, hoping I did not hear wrong. Out.

Wilbur smiled weakly. "Would you want to go out?" He repeated, still both a weak tired and sad smile on his lips.

My tail started to wag, first slowly, than quickening rapidly. I must have had stars in my eyes. "You would let me?" I asked him with excitement.

With a little nod from Wilbur I jumped up accidentally knocking the, now empty, box and fork into the air and than onto the floor, where I spun and keeled to Wilbur. "ThankyouThankyouThankyou!!!!" I blurred out with a smile and jumped back up.

Wilbur still had a little sad smile on his face...

"I will being you some warm water and clean clothes, ok?" He said, while lifting my box of the ground. I nodded vigorously and sat back down on the bed.

Wilbur went up the ladder, locking the trap door behind him.

I couldn't help it, but squeal in excitement. I will go out! Into the town!! I started to wag my tail in happiness.

How will the citizens be? How does Nikki and Tommy look like? How do others look like????

So many questions ran through my head, that I did not even noticed that Wilbur.came back with a bucket of water and a L'Manburg uniform, with colors which I wore as a kid.

Just his chuckle brought me up to reality again, springing my head upward and locking my gaze on him. He looked really tired, yet so happy to see me happy.

I couldn't help it again. I went up to him and hugged him, wrapping my hands around his chest and still wagging my tail.

With a little sigh, Wilbur left the bucket of water and pile of clothes on the table, leaving through the trap door again.

With another squeal I started to undress, watching the dirt on my fur crumbling into little pieces. With a smile I took a sponge, submerged in water and started to clean my tail with it. Than my arms, my chest, belly,  Than neck, cheek fluff, ears and than legs.

By the time I dabbled the sponge in the water for the last time, it was a horrible muddy mess, but I was clean.

I pulled my legs closer to me, while I sat on my bed, waiting to dry. I than remembered the flower I've got on the surface at the stream. I took the book about a mouse and a lion out of the bookshelf and opened it on the page, where i put the flower.

It was all dried up, lost it's color and started to fall apart when i touched it. I got scared and carefully closed the book. Why is it all like this? I asked myself. Is it dead? Do all things end up like this?

I played with my thoughts, while still holding the closed book in my hands, close to my chest. I felt tears falling down my cheeks. It was so beautiful...

It reminded me of mommy...

I sobbed silently. Opening the book abain, I glanced at the flower. It had made a huge brownish stain on the pages of the book, but it did not bother me. I rised my hand to wipe my eyes into my fur, which was almost dry.

I than reminded me of tomorrow. I will be able to get more flowers like this! I will have enough to have them for ethernity! I thought for myself and than closed the book again, lying it on the table and than getting up from the bed and putting the clean clothes on.

White button-up shirt, red-brown pants, pastel pink and blue uniform and black boots. I wagged my tail at the tought that i will be out in this tomorrow.

Taking down the uniform for now, I sat on the bed, with another book Willbur left with me. Madhatter and the Land of right.

I spent the whole day, reading this book. It had really small letters on me, something around half my pinky claw, but I didn't mind. I always loved this book, even tho I wasn't reading very often. Sometimes I would pretend I was Madhatter on his great journey in the Land of right, jumping from wall to wall and talking to myself about how he was amazing.

Father even came to see me sometimes, when I was imagining these plays and watch me, but that was long times ago...

I had not noticed, but my eyes were slowly falling from the words and ono a picture of a man, with big head, a green hat with a tape measure wrapped around it, in a long heavy looking red coat and boots on thick heel. He was currently dancing with a little red cheeked girl with blond braids and blue dress with an apron..

The thought of the picture moving made me happy... so happy......

I did not noticed i fell asleep, with Madhatter dancing with the little girl in my dream and my face in the book.

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