Chapter 4.

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Fundy's POV.

I couldn't breathe....

The walls crumbled around me, my little world slowly disappearing underneath dirt and ruins of the city above me. No one will come and save me.

Not even dad.

I rushed to the tunnel I dug up, quickly crawling inside and not paying any attention to the fact, that the tunnel was falling in on it self too.

I didn't want to die this way, buried alive, forgotten. As if Wilbur Soot didn't have a son.

I wanted to live...




I woke up from a nightmare, jumping into a sit and heaving. Cold sweat ran on my damp back, between individual little hairdos fur on it.

I felt awful... But why?

Was it because of the nightmare??? The walls, crumbling... And me, wanting to live and not be forgotten?

Why would I be forgotten?

The son of Wilbur Soot, president of L'Manberg,...

I knew these words from somewhere,... where?

A man.... with a mask..... And an axe...

Yeah. Definitely him.

I didn't asked for name... I sighed in my head as I ran my hand through the fur on my head to get the sweat out.

I kinda miss him already...

I got up from the bed, looking around the room. I glanced at the bookshelf and the storybook about the Lion and the Mouse. I took it out and opened it on the page, where I put my little flower. It made a little stain on the pages, but I was sure, that father will not go through my books...

Looking up at the trapdoor, I didn't saw anything indicating what time it is, so I sat down with the book in hand and observed the withering flower.

It was definitely browned and smelled different. But I liked it none the less.

I closed the book with a soft sigh, not wanting to do anything to the delicate little thing by my touch and looked at the ceiling. Dirt.

I am fed up with the dirt. I really wanna go outside, and now. But I don't know what time it is and so I don't know, when will Wilbur come to give me breakfast...

I guess I could go to bed for a bit longer.... And so I did.

A soft shake woke me up from a little snooze, followed with a quite chuckle. Wilbur sat on the edge of my bed, his hands folded neatly in his lap as he smiled at me. "Morning, champion!" He whispered, his smile fading a bit, as if he couldn't hold it.

I looked around myself, seeing the light coming through the trapdoors and two boxes on the table. I brought myself up from the bed, sitting up with a yawn. Wilbur stood up and went over to the table as i was rubbing my eyes, with dirty hands. "I brought you breakfast. Hurry up."

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