Chapter 19.

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Fundy P.O.V

I walked into the cottage, shivering slightly and walked to the furnace.

Even tho I had bumbs and bruises all over my body, and I ache a lot and my fingers were frozen to the point, where I cannot feel them, I was very pleased with today's results.

Techno decided, that the weather was perfect for training with distraction, so we trained for hours and took only a moment for some food at the afternoon. Except for that, we were training.

I extended my hands towards the fire, feeling my fingers hurt from the warmth. With a soft sigh of comfort, I started to flipping my hands from back to front, warming them up.

I heard some footsteps behind some other door and looked over there, expecting Dream, by the lightness of the step.

And I was right, smiling lightly, as Dream walked into the room, holding two plates with steaks and potatoes.

He walked closer to me, sitting on the ground and giving me one plate.

"You did very well today. The dodge was spectacular." He smiled and took off his mask. His eyes were sparkling with smile, a small scar choose to his right eye bouncing up lightly.

"Thanks. Techno brewed me with that one. He made me redo it several times." I sighed, looking at the food. I pushed myself closer to him, leaning on his side, feeling the heat radiating from him.

"You're cold..." He said, wrapping a hand around me.

I gazed up at him, smiling a little. "Well, we trained in a snow storm, y'know." I chuckled.

"You should have a coat or something. You'll get sick if you will train like that." Dream said, rubbing my arm.

I scoffed with a smile. "I DO have a coat." I said. Dream looked a little confused, his brows furrowed and eyes fixated at me. "Fur laced." I smiled in mischief, watching as he processed the words.

Than he bursted into laughter, wheezing and leaning forward, slowly suffocating.


The days went by and Techno trained with me, making me repeat moves and moves in circles. I felt much stronger in less than a month, knowing that I had physically grew a lot and became taller a bit.

Dream had started to train with us, giving some lessons to me too and making mock fights.

Phil had also decided to give us a separated room, so we did not have to sleep on the floor. He had also thought me how to make the leather wraps, right after my fingers healed.

Me and Dream had also gotten a lot closer than before. He helped me with a lot more things, than which I thought I knew and helped me with the socialization with other people, mainly Technoblade and Phil. Sometimes we've met with some villagers and wandering traders and Dream wanted me to talk to them.

He also asked Phil for a favor, and that was to teach me some basic things, such as reading, writing and counting, as I was horribly lacking these abilities.

I walked into our room after another long day of learning, my head buzzing with thoughts and my whole body aching. We had dinner together, just as always, and than we all went on our marry way.

Phil was in his study, probably reading some of his books and talking to his crows. Techno went to his house, having some more potions to make and he also wanted to see his dog army. Dream was doing whatever in the downstairs, telling me he will be up here in a moment.

I sighed, looking at the dimly lit room, glancing from the bed, the desk, simple wardrobe and the lanterns, providing minimal light. I walked to the bed, flopping face first into the bed, hogging both sides and groaning a bit, closing my eyes for a little bit.

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