Chapter 23.

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Fundy P.O.V.

I woke up, feeling really tired and dizzy, the darkness of the night surrounding me. When I looked around, I found out, that the warm room at Techno's cabin had disappeared.

On my right side was Dream tho, fully clothed, with Armor wrapping around his body. I could see some bandages peaking through his mask, while his hands were crossed on his chest.

I sighed, turning to look at him. With a little hiss I turned to my side, laying on soft wolf fur. My back must still be hurt here. I thought, remembering my dreams.

I tried to close my eyes, when I suddenly heard a sound behind me. When I looked there, I found out, that we were in a cave, sleeping on the floor, and that my back was turned to the entrance.

I saw a tall silhouette, creeping closer, with cape on their shoulders and something shiny on their head.

I got startled, but layed on the ground still, watching as the person came closer. Once they saw, that I was awake, they stopped, reached for something in their pocket and than...


I jerked up from the sheets, the image of a rock still Infront of my face. The person must have took me out by hitting me with it...

I stretched my hands, while rolling my head from side to side. My muscles still hurt, but they were a little less tence than yesterday.

Dream shifted right next to me, looking up at me with his beautiful green eyes. He yawned widely, also stretching his body and hands and kicked the sheets off of himself.

"Good morning!" He said, smiling from ear to ear.

I mumbled a quick mornin' to him, quickly getting up from the bed and looking for my day clothes. Dream glanced at me. "Something bothering you?" He asked, watching my back.

"Another dream. A guy threw a rock in my face. I can still see it." I told him, while he chuckled and shook his head a little. "Do you think it is another of the real dreams? If you think, that I would let somebody throw a rock in your face, than you are wrong." He said out loud and got up, fixing the bed.

Than he started to change into his clothes, while I was finishing up on my leather wraps, listening to Phil and the crows argue about some Kristin or whatever and trying to make sence of my dreams.

They had almost stopped in the months I was here. I still think, that they are some kind of Prophecy, even tho no one took me seriously anymore.

I still feel, that the first dream will happen, and that it all will come down on us.

I stood up from the bed, feeling that I had managed to convince myself of that, turning to look at fully clothed Dream now. He had his mask in hand, walking to the door and wiggling his elbow a little.

I smiled, following his lead and walked out of the room with him.

When we stepped into the kitchen, we found Phil still fixing up something for breakfast, while I heard Techno opening the door to his cabin.

"Techno will be here soon.." I said, seating myself at my usual space at the table. When the door opened and Techno came in, Phil just finished his dandelion tea, with a bit if honey, and offered some to his son.

"Thanks, and good morning." He said, taking the cup and walking to join me and Dream at the table, while taking the bread basket with him. "Slept well Dream? Looking a little beaten." He said with a smile, clearly happy with them training together.

I chuckled, as Dream looked up. "Just not used to the bruise on my back. Nothing much. How about you and the leg?" Dream turned his head a little higher, seemingly looking at Techno.

Techno smiled and shrugged one shoulder. "Tugging, but good."

Than Phil brought some of the things he prepared to the table and sat down with us. "We are running kinda low on meat... Would anyone be willing to go out and hunt?" He asked and bit down on his bread, while placing thin slice of dried lamb on the next bite.

I glanced at Dream. "We could go." He said, turning his mug in his hands. "Fundy could use some running around. It is starting to get boring just training all day long."

With a little nod I looked to the table, taking some bread and meat in my hands and started to eat, while listening to the other man talking.

Dream and Techno planned the day in between bites of food. They came up with me and Dream going hunting, while Techno would stay here and help Phil to take care of the place and protect the area.

I smiled and nodded, feeling restless, because the hunt would be a trip of several days.

I was extatic, that I will go out again, only me and Dream.

As soon as we finished our food, Phil took a satchel bag and started to put some food in it, like bread, apples and cheese. Than Dream commanded me upstairs.

I walked into the room, with Dream right behind me and closed the door. I could feel my tail was wagging softly, shifting from side to side in a happy rythm. Dream noticed it too, as he came from behind me and hugged me.

"Are you excited to Gou hunting, or is it just that you hate to be inside so much?" He asked me, rubbing my upper arms.

I smiled and turned over my shoulder. "I can't wait to chase after something." I said truthfully, taking my backpack from one of the chests in the room. I started to put in some warm clothes and things we could need, while Dream let go of me and walked away to find his own backpack and start to pack up.

I closed the pack, starting to attach my sleeping bag to it and added some of my tools and weapons.

When we were both packed, I opened the door and walked down the stairs. There was the food satchel on the table, filled to the brim with enough food for the entire hunt.

Dream took it and attached it to his backpack, adjusting it to his back. He nodded at me and walked out the cabin. There we found Phil and Techno talking together quietly and Phil's crows, cawing quietly amongst their flock.

I glanced at Dream, hiding slightly behind him.

"I wish you a lot of luck, you two." Phil said and smiled at us both. "May lady Luck be on your side." He bowed formally and smiled warmly at me.

Techno nodded at us. "Always win a battle you encounter." He said, making a gesture with his hand.

Dream bowed slightly, with his hand on his heart. "Thank you both." He said and turned, walking away, down the stairs and into the forest.

I quickly bowed too, looking both in the eyes and sprinted after him.

When I caught up to him, I looked behind me. Phil was still there, smiling, and waved at me. With a huge grin and tail wagging I waved back.

Phil stopped, seemingly remembering something, but than smiled and hid his hand in his robes.

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