Chapter 20.

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Don't mind the picture above, just a Catbur with a few samples. (Art not mine.)

Fundy P.O.V

I woke up, when the sun started to flow into the breakthrough a small attic window. I was cuddled close to Dreams chest, slowly rising and falling, and wrapped in the covers so tight, that I could barely move.

I knew, that once I will move, my body will start to hurt, so I tried to stay in the position for as long as possible.

But Dream had other plans and moved for me, lightly pushing me away. With a little hiss and a chuckle I watched as he opened his green eyes and looked down at me. "Oh, sorry! Did I hit you or something?"

I looked at him again and sat up, slowly and painfully. He watched and squinted his eyes a little. "Yeah. You're definitely staying inside." He said and sat up himself.

He swiftly slipped out from beneath the sheets and walked to my side, taking my clothes and handing them over. I accepted it and started to dress in it, pulling up my black pants and buttoning up my shirt, while Dream did the same.

I looked over at him, watching as he strapped his corset on. He once explained it was against surprise elbow attacks, if anyone would want to hit him in his stomach. I thought it was neat...

He slipped his hands and arms into the sleeves of his button-up, adjusting them slightly, while I took the leather strips and started to wrap them around my legs.

While working with the wraps, I started to listen through the house. Phil and his crows were already up, having a heated discussion about some papaya, whatever it was, and preparing breakfast for everybody.

Techno was still in his house, softly murmuring something to himself and rummaging around. I could also hear his dogs, panting in the shed, and Steve and his foxes. Techno soon took his coat, threw it over his hand and walked out, onto the porch.

I glanced over my shoulder and at Dream. "Techno's here." I said as the door shut behind the pig man, and his voice ran through the house in a soft rumble, just on the verge of hearing frequency.

He nodded, tighten his shawl, wrapped around his waist, and took his mask into one hand. He nodded to me, putting the mask on and opened the door.

I got up and with the momentum ran out the door, leaving Dream to close them. I groaned slightly at the pain from the movement, holding onto my side, where the bruise still existed, hurting like a fire burning.

Dream looked at me, tilting his head in question, but shrugged and put on his mask, when I shook my head no. He walked down the stairs, looking back at me from time to time and making sure I was ok.

We came downstairs, looking at the two already there. Techno had a mug in his hand, with steam flowing from it and Phil just poured some hot water into three more. "Smells nice!" I said, sniffing, but with gritted teeth. Techno looked up with a nod, glancing at me sideways.

"Everything alright?" He asked, setting his cup, most probably with a potion mixed in, on the table and shifted in his seat. "Yeah, just a little bumped. You gave me a nice bruise yesterday." I said, sitting down with a little grunt. "I can't move a muscle, without feeling like you jumped on me." I joked, receiving a laughter from Phil and Dream.

Dream sat next to me, still laughing lightly and glanced at Techno. "Would you mind giving Fundy a break and leaving him here with Phil? We could train together today." He proposed the idea and took a cup from Phil, who brought them to us.

I took a little sip, tasting some blueberries and cornflowers, and watched on as Techno thought for a moment.

"I think it could work. I haven't got a good fight since I started to train with you." He said, looking at me. I frowned a bit feeling a little touched. Phil and Dream chuckled together, while Phil sat down to the table.

The old man took a piece of bread from a little basket in the middle of the table and a little piece of sliced meat. While chewing, he looked at me. "I think, that it would be great. Imagine, no Dream, nor Techno in the house!" He slightly extended his wings and looked at Technoblade. "What a dream!" He smiled.

Techno looked at him with annoyance and smile on his face. "You moved to me. This is my property, so stop trying to move me out of here!" I laughed with pain tightening my chest and shook my head, while my muscles protested.

I took some of the bread too, with Dream following my lead, and bit into it.

Dream and Techno started to talk about what they could try, raving about some special moves and snickered, while me and Phil ate our breakfast.

When we were done, Dream and Techno stood up and quickly disappeared out from the house. Phil took a little breath and stood up too, sighing a little. "Like little kids. Unbelievable..." He muttered and took some dirty dishes to the sink.

I helped him with it, while he smiled and wiped the plates and cups dry, thankful for the opportunity to stay inside. We put the dishes in the cupboards and than went to Phil's study.

I watched on, as Phil took out some old looking books and brought them to a small table with two chairs. All were covered in leather, and just one of them was different color than the others. When Phil sat down, he motioned to me to sit down.

"I had some history in mind today, but did not expect such a long time with you, so just pick a book and read a little. I will make up a little something for your knowledge." He said, while patting the books.

I eagerly took all the books and started to look at them, the covers, the titles, the first few pages and such. Some of them were hand written, some were in different colored ink.

I lined the books on the table and read the titles in my mind.

DreamSMP lands
The creation of seas
Gods and Goddesses of western lands
History I. The arrival
History II. The settlers
History III. The DreamSMP

I looked up at Phil, frowning a little. "Gods and Goddesses?" I asked him, visibly confused.

Phil smiled and nodded. "There are Gods in the mortal realm. Why do you think I have wings, Techno is half pig and you look like a fox?" He said. "Even tho I don't know you as a God, your parents must have been Gods too. The book contains all the known God families in these lands, although I haven't updated it in a while." He told me, while wiping some specks of dust off of it fondly, as if he put his whole heart in the book.

"So... my parents could be mentioned there?" I asked, looking up at him. I looked me in the eyes and smiled. "I think that they should be."

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