Chapter 14.

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Fundy P.O.V.

The footsteps were coming closer, the loud snoring and snorting becoming louder.

The animal had caught our tracks.

Dream sat up from his position, grabbing his axe and peaking down bellow the leaves.

The footsteps stopped, the snorting ceased. The animal now lingered before us, waiting, it's stench flowing into the low den.


The voice sounded unnaturally deep, raspy and yelled out...

Dream tensed, looking at the feet of the.... thing.

"Who?" Dream asked, slowly pushing me away from the entry point.

"Techno." The thing said, kneeling before the shrub. Two small intelligent dark brown eyes peered inside, while a little smile played on the beings face.

Dream let out a sigh of relief, dropping his axe on the floor. I watched in horror and confusion, as he crawled out from the bush and accepted the beings hand with a chuckle.

"You gave us a little fright over there, Blade!" He said, audibly smiling. "I haven't seen you in a while! How's Philza?"

I sniffed the air, as the scent of metal floated into my nose. The... man I guess... smelled of deep smoke, metal, weird sweet steam and gold.

"Sorry for scaring you. Just making my way through to get back home. Phil sent me on a way for some business." The man said, shrugging his shoulders. "What is that little fox thing you have there?" He asked as I tensed.

"He's a companion of mine. Almost like you. The same kind as us." Dream said, turning around. "You can get out, Fundy. Technoblade won't hurt us."

I swallowed, digging my claws into the ground. I softly took few steps forward, sniffing the air in the meanwhile. I slowly poked my snout through the hole, than peaking at the man thing outside.

He was huge, headset man, with hog features. He had heavy looking blue coat over his shoulders, lined with white fur and a sword fastened to his back.

I slowly got out, than with a quick pace walked behind Dream and stood up at hind legs. I kept my ears close to my head and my fur was bushing up.

Dream chuckled at me, rubbing my head a little.

"Could we track with you a little? He doesn't have any skills of survival, except for things I thought him the past two to three months.." Dream said, keeping his hand on me, while he spoke with Technoblade.

I felt kinda reassured by Dreams presence. Although.....

"Do I know you from somewhere?"

Tech's voice rumbled around as he folded his hands on his chest. I glanced into his eyes and sniffed a little. His scent was kinda familiar....

"I.... don't think that we ever saw in person, but... I know that Snell from somewhere..." I nodded at him, unfolding my ears a little. He sniffed again.

"Well, I guess we will find out soon." He said, folding his arms on his chest. "What did Dream teach you?" He asked me, blinking slowly.

"Well, he thought me how to hunt, skin animals, cook, he showed me how to make tools and armour, and trained me in fight a little." I've said. If Dream believes this man, than so do I.

Technoblade nodded, looking at Dreams mask, as if he was calculating how much he thought me. Than he stepped to one side, looking at me. He gazed me up and down, seemingly searching for things. Than he nodded again.

"I could teach you things that Dream could not, would not and refuses to do. I assume this is your hiding space for the night?" He said, than nodding to the bush with a question.

We nodded and looked at him.

Dream than glanced into the tree crowns and sighed. "We should go to sleep again." He told me quietly and looked at Techno. "We had a long day of getting down here from the mountain over there." He said, pointing to the mountain.

Techno nodded again. "I'll keep close." He said and with a little wave turned and left. I glanced at Dream.

With a sigh, he kneeled on the ground and crawled into the bush. I followed, after sniffing the air.

With a grunt he layed down, shifting to give me some space. I curled next to him, looking up at his mask.

"What are you looking at?" He asked with kind voice. I blinked, smiling a little.

"At you." I chuckled and sighed. "Thank you."

He nodded slightly and shifted his head lower, indicating, that he closed his eyes.

I sniffed again, smelling Technoblades scent drifting from not very far away. I fell asleep shortly after.


I woke up with soft grunt, as someone shook my shoulders. I opened my eyes to glance up at Dream, who sighed and nodded.

"Morning. Techno will be up soon. Let's get prepared." He said, reaching for his bags and started to roll up his sleeping pad.

I stretched my hands and looked outside. The grass glittered with dew and weak moonlight and breeze drifted around. I got down from my sleeping pad and rolled it into a little thing, putting it into my bag and sighing.

Than I straightened my ears, as I heard foot steps. They sounded like sheep or a pig, but very heavy.

"I think Techno's here." I said, sniffing the air. Sure enough, Techno's smoky scent flew into the den quickly and grew stronger with every heavy footstep i heard.

Dream nodded to me, raffling the fur on my head. "Good work!" He praised me and crawled out, trying not to get his knees wet. I wrapped myself into my coat, following his quickly and than looked to the way, where I heard Techno.

Soon, he appeared and glanced up at us. "I assume you heard me, right?" He looked at me.

I nodded and shifted my shoulder. He moved his small dark furred ears and turned. "Follow." He said and started to walk in one direction.

Dream quickly followed, with me, walking right behind him.


We walked for a good while, with the sun slowly setting down and snow appearing. I watched the snowflakes fall to the ground slowly, admiring their grace.

Dream sometimes looked over his shoulder and chuckled for himself, while watching me trip over my own feet and heaps of snow, while I observed the flakes.

Techno also sometimes looked, shaking his head in disbelief.

When I tripped with a gasp for hundredth time, Techno sighed. "You never saw snow or what!?" He said annoyed and stopped, turning to see me.

I looked at him and shook my head. "I was locked away for my entire youth. This is my.... second time I see snow?" I looked at Dream with a question in my voice. He than nodded. I smiled and looked back at Technoblade. "Dream got me to run away and helped me survive. I owe him a lot." I said, smiling at both.

Techno watched, with shock in his eyes. "What do you mean locked away?"
"My father locked me away at very young age. Dream was the first human being, which wasn't father, that I saw in 13 years. That was almost three months ago." I've said, looking down at my freezing feet.

Techno looked down too, obviously taken aback. He saw my feet, wrapped in leather and nothing. I sighed as I shifted.

He looked up at me. "Try putting your feet in other person's footsteps. Your pads won't get wet and start to freeze."

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