Chapter 17.

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Fundy P.O.V

I hopped into the door, Dream supporting me by my shoulder. I limped to a chest, where he set me down.

"Shit.. you shouldn't have ran, if it hurt." He said, grabbing some herbs and making a paste out of them. He unwrapped the leather.

"It started to hurt when I ran on all four. It was ok before..." I said, looking as he worked. When he put the paste on the wounds, it stung a bit, but immediately started to become cooling.

I sighed, as Dream put some fresh and clean wool in and wrapped it back up.

Some footsteps appeared from one other room, frantically walking, than door opened. Techno was already facing the door, when Philza walked into the bigger room where we were.

"Is everything ok? I smelled blood." He said, some of the crows flying infringe room. Most of them flew to me, surrounding me and making sounds, looking to Phil and back.

"It's ok, I just hurt my toes." I said, pulling my feet closer to my person and smiled at him. But he hurried to me, grabbing my knee and ankle and softly made me extend my foot and looked at the wrap.

Some of the crows took perch on my foot, examining the leather. Phil twisted my foot around, tilting it up and down and than looked at the two men, standing aside. "You've never made a foot wrap, did you?" He asked Dream, who tilted his head down.

"Not really. Fundy's pads were freezing outside, so we wanted to wrap them, but this method takes away his balance and the method I used today.... hurt him."

I folded my ears at the sound of sorrow coming from is voice. He feels at fault... I thought for myself and looked at his drawn eyes.

Phil scoffed, turning back to my foot. He unwrapped it, observing what had they done with the herbs and wool and than started to bandage it again, but entirely different.

In no time, he had my foot wrapped in a way, that left just my claws out and did not hurt, yet still kept my fingers bonded together, to keep the herb pulp in place. He did a quick job with the other foot too and walked a step back.

"Try ad stand up." He said, watching his work, while grabbing his gown from the ground and lifting it, his wings slightly unfolded.

I slid down the chest and stood on the floor. It didn't even sting.

"Has did you do that?" I asked him, amazed at how the wraps felt. Phil just chuckled.

"No questions, little guy. You have training to do." He said and waved a little 'bye bye' to Techno and Dream and disappeared in the room again, his flock following.

I chuckled, taking a few steps and looked at them. "I think he's right.." I said and looked at Techno. "Do you think we could start now?" I asked him and walked closer a bit.

Techno nodded and opened the door. He walked out first, followed by me and Dream. I looked up at Dream.

"Don't take it personally. You did what you thought was best." I whispered to him. He lifted his head to look at me, his mask covering his face, but the sad feeling seeped through his skin. I grabbed his hand, twisting my fingers around his and than let go and ran towards Techno.

"So. I have a sword. Now?" I asked, my tail wagging. Dream stayed on the porch, watching us while resting his elbows on the fencing.

Techno took out his own sword, from the same purplish material as Nightmare, and swung it in a circle. "First of all, you gotta know how to dodge."


I opened the door with a huff, hurting over my entire body. I sighed as the warm air bathed my snout and made the specks of frozen drops melt.

The training session went for far too long, with Techno swinging at me with a wooden sword and hitting me most of the times. Dream had disappeared inside after an hour or something to help Phil with few things, and than brought us water several hours later.

Afterwards, he stayed there.

Techno stopped some time after dark and told me to go and get myself warm.

I closed the door by leaning onto it, staying for a little, before I could move my legs again. I walked into the room, closer to the furnace, and sat on the ground in front of it. I sighed as I touched the warm floor and layed there for a moment, my knees sticking up into the air, while everything else was touching the floor.

I heard soft footsteps, guessing Dreams, and looked at the other door, assuming Phil's room or something.

The door opened and Dream looked in. He was without his green cloak, just his yellowed shirt and pants with green shawl wrapped around his waist and belt over it, his mask still covering his whole face. I started at him for a moment, while he came towards me and sat next to me.

"Training is hard, isn't it?" He said with a smile in his voice. I scoffed at him, while sniffing in the air. Than I opened my eyes a bit more.

"Is that a rabbit?" I asked and got to my elbows, sitting on my butt. I looked at him. "Rabbit with baked potatos. And... sweet berries?" I sniffed the air a bit more, looking at his mask.

He chuckled and reached behind him. I was so exhausted, that I didn't notice him carrying a bowl of warm steaming food. He offered it to me, with a fork, and watched as I took it into my hands and started to eat.

My arm started to shake with exhaustion and I chuckled. "God, I'm so tired." I said, setting the fork into the plate, trying to stop my hand from shaking. "I'm so glad we are here." I've said and looked at Dream again. With a smile, I realized, that he smells kinda sweet and hazed with emotion.

"What?" I asked, watching as he lowered his head, as if I woke him up from a trans. He looked back up at me. "Sorry. I zoned out." He said and dropped his arms on his knees, while shifting to have his knees in the air and hugged them.

I smiled, taking a short breath. I turned around and resumed eating.

It tasted so good.... I love rabbits!

When I was done with the food, Dream took the plate from me and carried it back into the room, where Phil often tends to disappear.

I layed back down, closing my eyes and enjoying the warmth. I did not react to the soft sound of door opening and closing and soft footsteps, coming closer to me.

I smelled Dream very close to me. I opened my eyes, to see him leaning over me, sitting on his knees and leaning on his elbows on each side of my head. I held my breath and watched as he stayed still for a moment.

Than grabbed his mask. He slowly took it off, revealing his pink lips, thin nose, emerald green eyes, sliced brows and lastly letting his hair fall and touch my nose. He looked exactly like the man from my dream.

He slowly leaned to me and landed a soft kiss on my nose. With a sigh he retreated and sat back on his heels. "Sorry." He said, looking away.

I sat up, turning around to face him properly. Heat started to fly up to my cheeks and for nonce I was glad for the fluff on my skin. I stuttered a little, breathing in and out in pure shock.

He smiled with a sad expression and looked to the ground. I watched a moment, before shifting closer to him,  due to the heat of the furnace burning me. I looked back at Dream.

"Why did you... kisses me." I asked him.

He rised one of his brows, smiling a little more. "That wasn't a kiss. That was a peck. A peck on the nose." He said, looking to one side.

I frowned and scoffed. "That was a kiss." I said, flicking my tail in irrigation. He on the other hand chuckled, his eyes wrinkling.

"That was a peck. This is a kiss." He said and grabbed my chin and pulled me closer, stealing a kiss from me.

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