Chapter 13.

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I ran for the cover, following Dream's path. The rain had gotten us quicker, due to our little stop near the top.

Dream had his hood up again, sheltering his hair from the ice cold droplets of rain. I was as covered as I possibly can be, with the hood up, holding the hem, yet my muzzle, hands and feet were wet, and slippery.

As I reached the trees, Dream was already leaning against a tree hiding from the rain. I laughed lightly, leaning against the trunk, while he started to squeeze the rain water out of his coat.

"A little bit of exercise in the rain...." He mumbled underneath his breath. I smiled and tired to dry my hands in my coat.

"At least the ground will be soft." I said, taking the coat and started to rub it over my snout, trying to get the wet feeling out. I didn't want to bother with legs. As I know Dream, we will continue for a bit more to try and find some better shelter than trees.

I looked at him, as he was staring at me, while I dropped the hem of the cloak. "What?" I asked him.

"Tell me more about the dreams."

I sighed, looking away. With my eyes rested on the leaves, I started to explain.

"It started with the rain when you have me this coat." I said, gently touching the coat. "When I came back into the basement, I fell asleep, with this as a cover. I dreamt about a room, where I've never been. It was dark, silent, but warm and very... familiar. When I sat up, someone next to me had asked me, if I was alright. He had dark blond hair, green eyes, the freckle, a little broken nose,.... He hugged me.... and than I woke up." I looked at him again.

"When I was dreaming next, right after you freed me, I saw the man again. This time, the room was a bit more furnished and the man was scarred. Just few scratches. Some of them seemed fresh. Than, again, I woke up with my upper body hurting like hell. I think that me and the man were training in the day.."

"Do you know it is you in the dream?"

Dream watched as I nodded. "I see my muzzle, my hands and my tail and ears."

"Weird..." Dream mumbled and scratched behind his ear.

"There is even weirder part to it. I once woke up, crying. Do you remember that?"

Dream nodded at my question.

"Well, I was back in the room and my back hurt really really bad. I woke up the man with my whining. He had his eye in bandages, with blood soaking through. After he turned me around, I had gotten to know, that my back is skinned. I hadn't had my tail, my back skin, my thigh skin,.... A lot of my skin was missing. And I had no teeth. Or claws." I said, looking at him.

I shivered, before he grabbed my upper arm and pulled me into a hug. "Nothing like that happened and will never happen, ok?" He whispered over the rain, rubbing my back.

I wrapped my hands around him, sighing softly.

"It felt so real, tho. I felt like I really didn't have fur on my back. Just bare skin...." I said softly, nuzzling closer to him.

Dream softly pulled away. "I promise, that that won't happen."

I nodded at him, smiling. "We should find shelter." I said, while looking at the leaves. "The leaves won't hold the rain away for long."


The rain had stopped few moments ago, while we found shelter.

Dream had found us a place in a bush, with almost enough space for us both to lay there. I crawled inside, swiping the leaves and other things out of the way.

"There won't be space for two pads." Dream announced, looking into the dimly litden-like room.

"Well, we'll have to share, than. Or I could sleep out. The rain had stopped." I told him over my shoulder and softly woved some branches together to hold the fallen leaves out of the cleaned space.

I listened as Dream, after telling me to wait here, walked away for a bit. I could hear him taking his bow and Nightmare axe, but certainly leaving the rest with me.

I tore away some little saplings, vowing them into the walls, than digging slightly to make a cozy dip in the ground. With effort I created a cozy and already warm den, with enough space for us both, if we layed next to each other. I backed out with effort, shaking some dirt from behind my ears and than reaching for the bags of ours.

I slowly pushed them into the hide-out and took our pads, spreading them right next to each other. I sighed and cleaned some dirt and leaf crumbles off of them. Shoving the bags neatly into a corner, I straightened my ears, listening to heavy footsteps, which appeared in the forest.

The smell of blood hit my nose, imediatelly recognizing sheep blood. I looked out from the den, watching as Dream dragged the small body of a sheep closer to us, than stopping good few feet away. I crawled out of the den, reaching for my flint and steal in my pocket and carried a little pile of wood, which Dream collected, over to him.

"Do you want to prep it, or make fire?" He asked me,


After we had eaten and stored the rest of the meat into leather pouches, we both crawled into the den. Dream let me go first, kneeling on the damp ground. I crawled in, with grace, scooching to one side of the small space. He glanced inside, crawling in too and looking up at the roof of the bush den.

"Are you sure this is going to keep the rain out?"

I smiled as he sat on his sleeping pad, patting the walls. "You did a good job." He said, pleased.

With my ears perked up I layed down, curling into a small circle and wrapped my tail over my nose. I than watched Dream, as he slowly followed my lead and tightly covered himself in his coat.

I blinked at him, slowly closing my eyes, the walk here and the work on this place catching up to me. I soon heard Dream breathing softly and slowly, knowing he fell asleep.

I sighed, falling asleep.

With a jerk I got up. I was still in the bush den, Dream next to me.

With ears perked up, I listened. Dream was sleeping soundly, there was soft breeze running through the trees and.... footsteps.

They sounded like sheep, or pig, but... way way bigger than those. The drop was heavy, of an animal not afraid of it's life. Than it stopped. A thick smoky scent filled my nostrils. I softly touched Dreams hand. I could feel him tense and wake up.

Than, snoring came from outside. It was sniffing around. The footsteps resumed, walking in other direction, than before.

It was coming for us.

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