Chapter 21.

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Picture above is from SkyGold, it looks very cute and I love how lovingly Phil looks at Wilbur and Techno play fighting.
Also, I couldn't help myself, and made a little book section. I made a whole fricking family tree and list of God's and powers for some of the members of the SMP.... so you have to see them all now! :)

Fundy's P.O.V.

I nodded at him, looking back at the book. It was wrapped in dark brown leather, just as the others, with the exception of The creation of seas, which was covered in sun bleached and cracking leather, which smelled incredibly salty.

I opened the book again, looking at the title inside. It was made in blue and gold colors, with a feather added to the cover page.

The paper inside was beautiful yellowish color and smelled like wood chips and ink. When I touched it, I was surprised of it's softness and silkiness. I smiled and flipped the page again.

List of all known Gods and Goddesses

Awsamdude (Sam) - God of metal and prisoners, guide of wardens
Dream - main God, God of sun and reincarnation
Foolish - main God, God of life, death and seas
Jschlatt - God of lies and illusions
Karl Jacobs - God of time and stories of life
Philza - God of flight, winds and freedom
Puffy - Goddess of sailing, oceans and wealth, main Goddess
Ranboo - God of teleportation and forgotten memories
Sally - Goddess of rivers and fish
Skeppy - God of long memories, mining and mineral wealth
Techno - God of war, blood and victory
Tommy - God of voice and music
Tubbo - God of friendship and love
Wilbur - God of fire and destruction


Family tree


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I looked over the first few pages, feeling absolutely fidgety and nervous. I recognized both my parents names, but so Tubbo's, Techno's and Phil's.

I scanned the family tree again, feeling my nervousness grow.

Before I couldn't let it be visible, I flipped the page on the other side. I sighed when I found paragraphs of text, with the caption above: What were they like

I frowned and looked up at Phil, who was now reading his own book, covered in purple leather.

With a nervous sigh I closed the book. I reached for one of the history books about the lands and set the one with Gods aside. Phil looked up at me, frowning in confusion.

"I don't want to read it...." I whispered and opened the old pine scented book on the first page. Phil did nothing to stop me and just burrowed himself back into his book.


I stretched my hands above my head, while some of my joints cracked. I glanced at Phil with a satisfied huff and smiled.

"Can I help with food preparation?" I asked, loosening my hands a little and resting them behind my head.

Phil nodded with a small smile and stretched his neck, making a LOT of cracking sounds. Than he stood up, making the flock of silent crows fly up and make some noise and headed towards e door, where he disappeared.

I quickly followed behind, my muscles aching from yesterday's training AND from sitting in one place the whole day. With quick pace I made it in the kitchen area before Phil and opened the door for him.

I suddenly remembered the family tree Phil drawn in the book I read first. 'Was he my grandfather? Should I tell him?' I asked myself in my head, but than told myself no. 'I will ask Dream first...' I looked at the winged man.

He took out some sliced steaks, resting them on a cutting board. "Can you bring me some of the potatoes from that barrel over there?" He asked and pointed to a barrel, close to one if the walls of the house, before diving back into the drawers looking for something.

I nodded, even tho he couldn't see me now, and walked tithe barrel to grab the potatoes. There were a LOT of them. The whole barrel was filled to the brim.

I chuckled. "Techno really likes potatoes, eh?" I looked over my shoulder to glance at Phil, who started to dice up some carrots and mushrooms. He glanced up at me with a smile.

"He loves to spend some time in total silence, and coincidentally, farming potatoes is one activity, which he loves. When there is silence." He said and looked back at the cutting board.

I nodded with a smile and took some of the brown rounded vegetable boulders and carried them to Phil. "How do you skin them again?" I asked, taking a simple knife.

I had gotten quite skilled at skinning animals and preparing food for storing, but anything than came after was out of my grasp. Phil smiled at me again.

He took a potato, rotating it a bit, and in silence pedaled a little bit of skin away. He than swiped few more times and let me started at his hands. When he offered the potato to me, I took it with a confident nod and started peeling.

Within a few minutes, I had peeled all the potatoes I brought and sighed. Phil had started to cook some kind of stew thing, while cooking the mushrooms and carrots, with some other ingredients. He added the meat he was cutting now, and than took my potatoes and swiped them into the pot with carrots.

I watched as the meat and carrots sizzled and jumped and helped Phil with some other preparations. Soon though, I heard the door into the house open and smiled. I smiled and looked at the food, mixing something with a wooden spatula.

"I guess Techno will be on his farm. I will carry some food to him. You, bring this to Dream." Phil said with a smile and handed me two bowls of food.

I grinned at him, my tail wagging andtook the two bowls, carrying them into the largest room, whith Phil opening the door for me. He swiftly shot a nodd to Dream and than disappeared behing the main door, leaving us alone.

I smiled at Dream, who took off his mask with a small sigh, looking at me. I offered him one of the bowls with mixture of soup and sauce over some steak meat and he took it, his joints ckeaking. "Techno gave you hell?" I asked and sat down next to him, right infront of the furnace.

"Yeah. He almost certainly gave me a few bumbs and bruises. But i still won over him a few times!" He smiled and took a mouthfull of the food. I nodded lightly and moved around some vegetables with a small, but dropping smile.

"Phil gave me some books to read today." I said out loud, when my smile vanished completly. I glanced up at Dream with my ears dropping.

"What were they about?" He asked and looked at me with a certain look he's given me for a while now. I looked away from him.

"One was about the Gods and Godesses of these lands................................. is it truth, that Wilbur is a God? And..... That he's Phil's son?" I glanced up at Dream again. He stopped giving me the look and instead an expression of worry overtook his face.

"I.... Yes. It is absolute truth. I'm really sorry, that I did not tell you, Fundy. I just thought it would be better for you not to know. If Phil would know...." He stopped talking to stare into the flames in the furnace.

"If Phil would know, what?" I asked, leaning a bit closer. Dream looked up at me again, sighing and puting a smile on his face. He reached up and softly touched my cheek, ruffling my fur a little bit.

"Wilbur is not a good person. Everyone in his family knows it. And he told some horrible lies in his life. The reason, why Phil does not know, that you are his grandson, is one of the lies. Wil is trying to keep them as vague, yet convincing, that they just work!" Dream said and cressened my cheek some more, pulling me closer to him.

I nodded at him sadly and rested my head on his shoulder.

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