Chapter 7.

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Fundy's POV

I woke up with a jerk.

The book was still in my hands, with the page a bit folded, from how i had slept on it.

I was blinking into the dark room for a moment, before i could even realize what day it is. With Madhatter, still dancing, in my head i turned on the table, where a cold smelling box, with baked potatoes with some rabbit meat as content. Willbur must have been here after i fell asleep and gave me dinner...

I got up, streatching my arms upwards and touching the dirt ceiling. With a confused glance i put my hands down, looking at the pastel uniform folded neatly over the side of the table.

Than it hit me.

Exitment rushing in me, I took the uniform and put it over me, feeling my tail wagging furiously behind me and disturbing clouds of dust.

I didn't know what time it is, but I imidiatly sat down, hands in lap and tail beating a steady rythm on the bed.

I took the Madhatter and the Land of right in my hands and started to read from the part where i took of the last time... The book was interesting, and soon i was flipping the page around.

When Willbur opened the trap door to the basement today, it made me jump in surprice and close the book with a loud clap, but than my tail started to wagg again, while my ears were perked up.

He smiled and came down to me, while I still had the book in my hands.

"Are you ready for your big day, champion?" He asked, while he was scratching my head, between the ears.

I nodded vigorously and took a box with breakfast from him. There were steamed carrots, a piece of bread and some meat, which I had not identified, as I was gulping the food down, ready to go up already.

Wilbur was chuckling next to me, eating in slow steady intervals and just watched as I licked the box clean.

"Oh, how jealous am I sometimes of you." He said and took another bite.

With a perk of my ears I looked up at him. "Why?"

"Because of the fox thing." He answered. "I would give anything to just become somewhat of an animal like you. Than I would not have any problems and could be with you all the time." He told me, while hugging my hand.

He put the half full box down and hugged me even tighter. "I love you, Fundy. But you know that, right?" He said, not waiting for an answer and got up, taking both boxes and the silverware with him, offering me a hand.

I took it with joyful squeal and jumped up, letting his hand go and than jumping off of the walls of the basement in blind excitement.

Wilbur chuckled again and started to go up the ladder, with one of his hands ful.

I waited, still as a Jel'o on train and watched his every step, until he sat on the rim of the trap door, looking down at me.

With a little motion he urged me up. I wrapped my fingers around one of the stepping things of the ladder, looking back up.

With Wilbur's nod I started to climb. Each step felt like bliss sent from the sky. I can't wait for the sun to be on my fur again! The warmth.

With each step I felt better and better, and eventually, even warmer.

As I grabbed onto the last stick of the ladder Wilbur offered me a hand, while he was standing over the hole. I accepted and he hauled me up and out from the hole, setting me to the ground.

I looked around with wide eyes. We were in a big, yet crowded storage space, with crates and chests lining the walls and barrels piled in the middle, each with specific label, such as fish, gunpowder, arrows, potion bottles and more.

Wilbur closed the trap door lightly, but did not pull the chest, which was resting right next to it, on top.

I watched as he started walking in one direction and opened some doors.

He looked at me, waiting with the door open first me to go in. I hesitantly came closer to the door and walk through.

Sun shined onto the wooden floor through small windows on both sides of the room and a set of heavy spruce doors on the other side. In the middle was set a table and four chairs, a weird table with a leather square placed on top of it in a corner, a box with a long hole in the.. lid (?) in other corner and some flower workaround the room.

I looked in awe at the things here, softly touching the table with leather.

"Do you want to go outside? Like, even further?" Wilbur asked with a small tired smile on his face. I nodded vigorously and smiled with the biggest smile in years.

I ran outside, opening the door as quickly as possible and stopped on a gravel path. The sun was shining, there were bees around me, birds chirped above and there were all kinds of buildings.

And people!

A lot of them. And they noticed me...

"What.... wait......... Fundy??"

A long haired girl asked out loud, hands filled with baked goods, two streaks of light hair in her eyes.

"Someone said Fundy?" Another voice called out from behind some buildings.

"Who?" Asked a man with short drown hair and black glasses on his face.

"Fundy!" The woman yelled and sprinted towards me, hugging me suddenly and hanging on my neck. I anxiously shifted, with my hands raised in the air, not knowing what to do. She pulled away from me and grabbed my shoulders with her tiny hands. Really tiny.

"I have not seen you for such a long time!!" She said, gushing and cooing over me, while Wilbur came out of the building. "Nikky. Get off of him." He said with a chuckle.


Now he remembered. She looked older than he imagined her to be. And taller. She let him go and smiled brightly. "You grew so big! I thought we'll never see you again!"

I smiled nervously as many more people came to me, forming a small circle around. Wilbur was there too, watching me with sad look.

I watched the people, trying to find some similarities in their faces. I heard Tommy speak, but had not located him, than I heard more unknown people speaking in known voices, but it felt too overwhelming.

Nikky was first to notice my uncomfort in this crowd of people, all staring at me, and so she stopped in her smiling and inhaled.

"Ok, ok. I think that we all can meet Fundy one by one later, ok? Him, you must be hungry. Come with me." She said, grabbing my hand while looking at Wilbur.

He did not looked happy at the idea of me, going away from him, but Nikky's reassuring smile obviously convinced him, that she won't do any harm to me. More like to the others, by the way they all went in separate directions, when she spoke.

She started to lead me in other direction, away from them and Wilbur. I just watched, as he stared and than turned on his heel and walked away.

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