Character 9.

609 32 20

This episode contains physical abuse, colorful language and a fight, between two people.
Read on your own risk.

Short version bellow.

Art by miketheartista on Tumblr


Fundy's POV

Tubbo was extremely nice. He showed me his flower garden, or bed or how he called it. It was filled with pretty flowers of all colors. I even recognized some of them, such as tulips!

Mom liked tulips...

Than I've met Eret, and some other people, who were running around. They all seemed so beaten up and tired, but yet so full of energy for whatever reason..

When I came back to Nikky's place with Eret, who seemed like a nice guy and was telling me about something to do with the huge walls, in which L'Manburg was hidden, the sun had fallen close to the horizon.

Eret went a step ahead and opened the door for me, while he was standing to the side. I saw Wilbur in there. I immediately lit up, looking at him.

He looked up from some papers he had lying around on the table and got up swiftly.

"Where were you!! I was worried sick!"

He got to me in a fast step and grabbed my shoulders. "You should have stayed in here! I told you it is dangerous to be in the clear!" He said angrily, while shaking with my whole body.

"Well.... Tubbo was showing me his garden..... It was very pretty and-"
"No! You should have stayed here. I should have stayed with you to make sure you will..." He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

My ears dropped. "I.... I just wanted to see the flowers. I remembered a flower few days ago. A little yellow ball, which changes into little fluffy umbrellas. Tubbo helped me to remember." I smiled. "It was Dandelion."

I smiled, reminding myself of my little dried one. Tubbo also told me how to dry press them...

Wilbur sighed again. He took a breath to tell him something, but Nikky brushed his shoulder. "Let him. He wasn't here for so many years that even I have problems remembering him. And don't forget, that Sally made him love flowers." She said, letting go of his shoulder.

Sally... Wilbur seemed to fall into a deep sorrowful memory by my mother's mentioning. Eret stiffened at the door.

"Don't we have forbidden to mention.. presidents wife?" He whisper asked Nikky, thinking out of earshot. Nikky shrugged, as if she did not care for the rule, and just went to take something really nice smelling out from the oven.

Wilbur stood in the middle of the room, with tears in his eyes. He Stan sniffed and looked up.

"I have to take you back before the night falls." He said, walking to me and grabbing my arm.

I looked up at him. "Do I really have to?"

"I don't want you to get hurt..."
"I want to stay for a moment longer, please. Eret was telling me about the walls and-"

Wilbur shouted so loud, that I had to cover my ears. I closed my eyes, while digging my claws into my fur behind my ears.

Father seemed really apologetic for a moment, before he started to drag me out the bakery doors and into the square, close to his house.


We stopped, as Tommy called to Wilbur, apparent anger in his voice.

"Mind if I as you something?" He said, stepping in front of him. Wilbur watched with open mouth.

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