Chapter 5.

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Fundy's POV

I sighed

I came back into the room some hours ago, waiting for Wilbur to come and give me some food and to take the sheets.

He came, just as always, really late. I was certain it was dark outside. He unlocked the trap door and climbed down the ladder, handing me a box with food. He looked kinda apologetic at me and sighed.

"I'm sorry I didn't came earlier. We had a little problem with intruders on our lands with whom I had to deal with." He explained and looked at the dirt floor of the room. "I promise I will take your bed sheets first thing in the morning."

I nodded at him and looked at the box in my hands. I guess it will be beef again...

I sighed lightly. Upon opening the box, it was indeed beef. This day, whatever it was, was always beef. Chopped up pieces of beef, with some beetroot and carrots, with some water in a little bottle.

Wilbur quickly left the room, probably to deal with the intruders and I got to eating. It, again, tasted like cold dirt. Sometimes I wished I could wash off in this place. Not just once a week. At least Wilbur said I take a bath once a week...

It was hard to focus on that thing specifically, mainly, if the only thing which was somehow time depending was sleep and food....

I kinda wanted to see the stranger again, as he was fun to talk to. I wonder where else he was, than in L'Manburg..... was he further away?

I excitedly got up and uncovered the hole, hopping in it and crawling to the fox den. I got up to a water underneath the exit hole, with more falling down from the sky.

I looked up from where I was, looking at the orange sky and water falling down.

I stared in awe, as the drops fell from the tree leaves and than on my snout, and soaked into my fur.

It felt cold, yet lovely.

"When did you last saw rain?"
I spun around, looking at the stranger, leaning on the marked tree with green hood on.

He tilted his head a bit, keeping underneath the tree, with his axe strapped to his back and a lit up lantern in hand, partly hidden by his cloak.

I looked at the ground. "Can't recall." I said, going closer to him.

"Poor you. The last thing I would want would be locked up in a dirt room..."

He said it, while looking at the L'Manburg from underneath the mask.

"Yeah..... Could I ask you?"
I looked up at him, my tail dripping wet.

When he nodded to me I turned my back on L'Manburg and looked into the darkness. "Where all have you been? Like, places..."

"Far away, and beyond." He said, while I heard him take a step closer to me. "I've been to lot of places. Too many to tell the difference." He came all the way next to me. "C'mon. Hide. You'll be soaking wet." He said, while grabbing my shoulders and leading me under the tree.

"Wilbur will be surprised, if you will be wet in the morning." He told me and took his hand off of me.

"I suppose... I will be so dirty...." I sighed and looked over at myself, in soaked clothes.

"I will borrow you something to put over yourself." The stranger said and looked at me again. "Had you had a nice day at least?" He asked.

I looked at my feet. "Maybe. Father has some problems with intruders, so I just had lunch. And than I stared at a dirt wall....... and thought..."

I glanced up at the stranger, sighing a bit as he tilted his masked head to the side. "What's your name?" I asked him in the silence disturbed by rain.

The stranger scoffed with a smile. "I wondered when you'll ask." he said, looking at the distant town. "My name's a secret I may tell you only if i wish to, but you can call me Dream. My friends call me that." he looked back at him, clearly smiling by the tone of his voice.

"Dream? Why that out of all things?"

"I don't know." he shrugged and pulled his coat closer, not wanting to end up as wet as me, probbably.

I sighed. "Well, it sounds kinda nice." I told him, glancing up.

The rain started to ease up a bit, falling slower in smaller quantities. I watched the rain drops, my heart beating in happy quick rhythm. I'm so glad to be outside in this weather.

"Can I hug you?" I asked quietly, looking at the rain listed L'Manburg.

By the sound of it, he came closer to me and stopped right behind me, warmth radiating from him. His arms wrapped around me and he leaned closer to me, resting his chin on my head. The rain softly dropped onto his hood, making soft sounds.

"When was the last time somebody, anybody, hug you?" Dream asked in hushed voice.

My voice trembled. "My mom, just before Wilbur locked me down there." I answered, holding his arms closer to my chest.

"You smell really nice."

He tilted his head to look down at me, chuckling lightly and let me go, but wrapping his coat over me. "Here. I will need to go, now. I have some things to do tomorrow." He said, grabbing his lantern from a beach where he hanged it and looking back at me.

"Can I see you tomorrow??" I asked, not knowing what "things to do tomorrow" ment for him. Dream shook his head.

"Sorry, not tomorrow. But I will be here the day after, waiting. Promise." Dream said and started to back away.

I just nodded a sad yes and waved at him, watching as he waved back. Than he turned and his light disappeared, leaving me in the dark.

My shoulders dropped.

I turned to face the city again, sighing heavily and wrapping Dreams cloak closer to him. I breathed in, sniffing Dreams scent from the cloth.

Than I turn again, and walked to the fox hole, sliding inside head first and trying hard not to get much mud and dirt on the dark green cloak.

When I pushed myself out from the hole, I was surprisingly out of breath with effort.

When I got up from my hands, standing up, I walked to my bed, sitting down on it. The room was dark and quiet, with just few sounds of scurrying mice sounding from the walls.

I sighed heavily, wrapping my muzzle into Dreams cloak and falling sideways onto my bed. Pulling my feet closer to my self, I snuggled into the sheets and closed my eyes.

In matter of minutes I fell asleep, dreaming.

I opened my eyes into a dimly lit room, with wood on the walls. Looking around I used my hand for support and sat up.

When I did tho, a light push on my arm alarmed me, with a quiet murmur. I glanced down and in the sheets, right beside me, was a blond man, snuggled into the sheets with half opened sleepy eyes. "You good?" He asked with a small yawn.
I, staring at him in horror, but nodded, as if my body wasn't mine.

My hand slowly gave up and I layed back down, letting him hug my flank and cover me with the blanket and some hides. "Sleep." He whispered and cuddled closer to me, while I hugged him back.

It felt so good, so surreal, yet so weird and terrifying. I wanted to jump up and run away, but the sleeping face of the blond man made me stay.

I started to feel sleepy, after some time of watching his eyes running around underneath his eyelids, so I closed mine and snuggled close to him, falling asleep in a snap.

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