Chapter 10.

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Fundy POV

I sobbed into Dreams nice white shirt as he hugged me, night swallowing the land around us. I felt his hand, rubbing my back in a reassuring way. He had his chin rested on my head, humming something quietly.

Than he pulled away and sighed. "Let's get to the journey, than.! He said, while dragging me carefully by his hand. 

Only now had i reallized he had a blue-ish lantern fastened to his belt and his axe on his back. I looked down on my tail, with his green cloak tied to it.

With a swift movement i grabbed it and handed it over to him, while he slowed down, so I could walk next to him.

"Keep it. You'll need one too." He said, while wrapping the dark green coat over my shoulders. "the uniform is too bright to keep you hidden."

I nodded, while wiping off some of my tears. "Where are we heading?" I asked.

"We have a good chance at a lake close by. We can use it as a way point."


We walked in silence for a moment, brushing through the forest. Suddenly a yowl rang thought the air.

"FUNDY!!!!!!!!!! FUUNDYYYY!!!!!!!!"

I stopped dead in my tracks as i heard the distant call of my father. His scream was filler with terror and worry, but it scared me in some way. Dream noticed, that I stopped and looked back at me.

"Something wrong? Hope you don't want to go back." He said, lifting his lantern, now unclipped from his belt.

"I can hear Wilbur... He's yelling.... And looking for me..." I blurred out, folding my ears down and grabbing onto the edges oh Dreams coat. "He's so loud..." I whimpered, as another cry rang through the trees and met my ears.

Dream lifted his chin up a moment, but than sighed. "Guess you're a fox...." He said and came a little closer. "Don't mind it. He does not want anything, but you, in a cage. He is not a good person." He told me, rubbing my arm. "When we'll put distance between us, you won't hear him."

I nodded, and looked around. He sighed and walked forward, holding the lantern up high, so he could see in the dark.

I tracked behind him, stiff and quick, whincing at every other call. Now even others joined in. I can hear Nikky, Tubbo and Eret. Even Tommy joined in. They sounded so desperate to find me....

We broke away from the tree line and walked into a wast clearing in the middle of the woods. There was this huge lake. The trees on the other side of it were just little spots of nothing in the distance.

"Here we go! Can you still hear him." Dream said, resting one of his hands on his side. 

I listened closely. "They sound like whispers now..." I said, sighing in relief. "You were right." I said, turning to him.

Dream nodded, but than stiffened. He pulled out a book from somewhere and teared away a paper from it. He than wrote something there with a feather and an ink sack and layed it on the ground, with a stick he stuck in the mud.

"What are you doing?" I asked, a little bit concerned.

He looked back at me. "Nothing much. Just for your Father, so he won't worry that much." He said, walking up to me and ruffling my fur between my ears. "If you want, you can rest for few minutes. We will get going as soon as I'll find out where this lake is. I was here several times, but still..." He whispered the last part to himself, while taking out another piece of paper, yellowed with age and tattered. It had a lot of drawings on it.

"Is that a map?" I asked him. I never actually saw a map by my own eyes. 

He scoffed and chuckled, as I tilted my head aside and looked at it. "Yeah. Did you even saw one, yet?" He asked, resting his knee in the grass.

"Not yet. It looks really old... And used." I said, looking at the torn edges, holes in folds and the old musky dusty scent lingering from it. "It smells like dust." I said out loud, sounding as if I was complaining.

"Well, you'll have to bare with it for a while. We will need it." Dream told me, than turned around to stare at the map, mask still on.

"Can you see through that mask?" I asked him.

He dropped his hands to the ground, still holding the map and turned to me. "Yes. Now please. Be quiet." He said, going back to his map.

"Oh... Sorry. It's just........... I can still hear him.." I said, in a whisper, listening to the whispering wind, carrying Wilburs waills closer.

Dream looked up again, looking at the sky. "Don't worry," he begun, folding the map back into a little bundle. "We will soon be a fair distance away, so you won't be able to hear him. Promise." He said, with a smile in his voice.

He got up from the ground, offering me his hand, and dragging me up when I accepted. "Follow." Dream said and set off in one direction, letting go of my hand.

We dissapeared in the tree line again, swollowed by shadows now. Everything has such a pretty taint of blue, from Dreams lamp.... I watched as the trees changed their shapes, when light traveled on them, how the grass journied with them... The leaves shivered, as small breeze ran throught the undergrowth and I smiled.


We had traveled for a while, wenturing from forest to forest, walking besids a river of silver water, enchanted by moonlight, and across meddows of sleeping flowers. Dream also showed me fireflies, after I tried to catch some.

Right now, tho, I was bone tired, yawning occasionally. Dream gave me side glances from time to time, looking over the landscape, in search of something, at least I thought so. He than halted, leaning against some oak tree he had found in his path, waiting for me to catch up to me.

"We should sleep. We could wake up around dusk." He said, looking at the moon, exactly above our heads.

"Ok!" I nodded looking at the ground. I had expected myself to sleep on the ground tonight. The grass looked soft and welcoming. Dream dropped into a crouch, setting his lantern and axe on the ground and pulled a small roll from underneath his coat. He unrolled it and layed on top of it, rolling onto his side, so he was looking at me. Meanwhile, I settled down, wrapping myself in his other coat, tucking every limb in. Than I wrapped my tail around my legs and looked up at him, only my muzzle and ear tips vissible. 

He sighed and shifted a little. "Good night, I guess." He said, tilting his head lower and tucking his hands into his cloak. I closed my eyes, trubbled, if I made the right choice to leave....

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