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     Taehyung was now standing in front of jeongguk and her father. She's confused of what's happening right now. She look at jeongguk and her father. She was worried about her father but confused at the same time.

      She couldn't get it, she work hard for her father to pay the deal he had but what's happening right now? He father was tied and had a ballgag in his mouth to prevent him from speaking and why was the guy earlier is here? Taehyung just couldn't fucking get it.

“You're probably confused right now, taehyung" jeongguk started and look at her, only making taehyung nodded.

“We// your father here, sold you to me." Jeongguk stated making taehyung shock what she just heard.

“Wait, sold? For what?" Taehyung asked wanting answers.

“Oh! He didn't told you?" Jeongguk stated, his voice has a hint of sarcasm. Taehyung was silent not wanting to believe what he said.

“Your father had a deal with me because he borrowed a money from me and your work for that isn't enough. The money he borrowed was million enough to provide himself to gamble that. He gambles behind your back. He maybe a sweet and caring father but you're blind for that" jeongguk explain and look at taehyung who was now understanding but as her expression was still shocked.

“His deal expires only 2 years. Since im good enough, i gave him 5 years to pay me but the payment isn't enough. He also told me ‘if i didn't pay the deal, you can have my daughter as a payment' that's what he said. If you want evidence, i have it" jeongguk continued, looking at taehyung and to her father. Jeongguk signal one of his men to give the contract to taehyung.

     I hold the contract that was given to me and read it. My eyes widened because it's true, all he said was true. I look at my father in disbelief. I couldn't fucking believe it.

“So all this time the money that i gave you isn't enough and you didn't told me that it was million just to gamble it!" I exclaimed and look at him in rage.

     I turn my back just so I can't look at my own father. But it happened, i can't go back now. My life will be different, im sure. And i don't even know who the guy earlier and now he's here. I look at the guy.

“Since I'm now sold to you. What will i do?" I ask him and saw him chuckle.

“You have many things to do, taehyung. We will talk outside" he replied and i look at my father.

“What will you do to my father?" I ask again and look at him.

“He will go back to the way he used to be because the payment is now here. Now follow me, I don't like many questions." He replied and i look at my father who they drag outside. I just sigh and accept the true cruel life I've been.

     When they reach at the living room, taehyung take a seat to the sofa and wait look around. Their house was a mansion.

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     Jeongguk came down from upstairs with a paper in his hand. Taehyung look at him and jeongguk sit in front of her to the sofa.

“Here's an agreement to our contract. Well not really an agreement because you're mine now. My name's Jeon Jeongguk but you can call me Mr. Jeon" jeongguk stated and give her the paper. Taehyung carefully read it.


I, Jeon Jeongguk, agree to accept you a my payment, taehyung, if she works for me as my Personal Maid (forever).

She will do the following:

1. Clean the whole house while im here.
2. She will cook the everyday food.
3. She will do everything that i say.

Your signature:


     Taehyung mouth agape and look at jeongguk. She sigh and look back at the paper.

“You know there's no point on making these cuz you know that im yours, right?” she stated and get the pen.

thats what i said but an agreement is better so there's no hard feelings for the both of us. Just sign the agreement and we're done." Jeongguk said and look at her. There is a hint in his voics that he's irritated.

    Taehyung just sign the contract and give to jeongguk. Jeongguk went back to his office and hide the agreement. The three boys are now arrive from the mission and the two girls arrive from shopping. When the others reach the living, they immediately saw taehyung

    When im going down, i hear the commotion in the living room where taehyung was. I go down immediately and saw the others and taehyung. I sigh and go to them.

“oii" i simply and coldly said catching their attention.

“boss, whos she?" Yoongi ask and look at her.

“meet Kim Taehyung, she's my Personal Maid" i answer his question. I introduced them and point them one by one.

“taehyung, this is yoongi, his wife, jimin and thier twins . Namjoon and his wife, jin. Hoseok, he's single."

“yah! Do you have to say that?" Hoseok exclaimed and look at me. I just rolled my eyes.

namjoon, yoongi, and hoseok. Come with me and report me everything" i stated and making my way again to my office with them.

     I was left with jin who was pregnant and jimin with her twins. So i was the single here.

“so taehyung, how did you get here? I mean what's your story?" Jin ask and i sigh.

“lets make it shorter. I was the payment of my Father's deal" i replied to her ask and they both shock.

“well that's horrible" jin stated and we have a conversation.

    In the middle of our conversation, many men sorround us and a chaos we heard in jeongguk's office. Jin protect her stomach and jimin hug his twins. Minutes later, jeongguk and the others run towards us and look at us.

     A big commotion was heard in jeongguk's office. The enemies invaded their territory, taehyung and the others was in the living along with a guards sorrounding them. Jeongguk and the others are now with them.

“clean my office now" jeongguk commanded the his men and he got a quick nod. His men went to his office to start cleaning.

“go to your separate houses, now!" Jeongguk stated looking at yoongi and namjoon. Yoongi and namjoon nooded, along with their family, they go home. Jeongguk look at taehyung and said.

“come with me" while holding taehyung's waist.

Chapter 2 is done. Thank you for sparing your time reading this chapter.


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