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        Many more months pass by, Taehyung and Jeongguk are working thier ass of their mafia shits. Taehyung was now a mafia important person/worker but at the same time she's jeongguk personal maid instead of personal maid only. Yoonmin are currently on thier vacation same as namjin while hoseok was with his 3 months pregnant wife, Armiee. The yoonmin twins are now 5 years old while namjin's daughter was almost 1 years old. Taehyung was checking some files while jeongguk was attending some meetings. It was already 2 in the afternoon when all couples arrived along with their child. A knock interrupted taehyung who was busy in her laptop.

"Come in" Taehung simply commanded not wanting to look up and a maid came in.

"Ms. Kim, the couples are here." A maid stated while bowing at taehyung. She look up staring at the maid.

"Couples?" Taehyung ask and the maid nodded. She stood up and exit the room along with the maid. Taehyung find her way to the lounge and saw them smiling at her. The twins hug taehyung's waist.

"How are you and Jeongguk?" Namjoon ask her and taehyung just smiled.

"Were tired. We haven't been had enough sleep this past few months due to many enemies hacking and ambushing some of our bases but were good. The mafia shits are now back to normal." Taehyung explained while looking at namjoon who was nodding in response. Her phone rang and the ID caller was no other than jeongguk. The twins go to their mother.

"Ggukie, Yoongi and the others are here." Taehyung stated and smiled as she answer the call with jeongguk.

"Really? Isn't they have a vacation?" Jeongguk ask making taehyung chuckles.

"Just come home, okay?" Taehyung answered and turn off the call. Five minutes past and Jeongguk arrived at the mansion. He immediately hug taehyung and look at the others.

"Hey guys, your vacations over?" Jeongguk ask them. They all nodded, jin who couldn't help but to be excited for their surprise for them.

"Yes and look at what we've got!" Jin exclaimed as she pulled out two tickets for their vacation. Taehyung smiled and hold the ticket.

"It's for both of you since you  two have been working not having time for each other. We planned it for you both. The flight's tomorrow morning at 6, better be ready. Don't think about work the boys are here, they are gonna handle it just fine." Jimin added with a smile on her face. Taehyung almost teared up but put a smile nonetheless. 

"Just hand the tickets to your private pilot since you have a private plane. It will take you there." Yoongi stated and jeongguk nodded. Namjoon command the maid to ready the luggage for tomorrows flight.

"Let's eat outside. I'm starving!" Ar Miee exclaimed making everyone laugh as they make their way outside and enter the limousine. 

When they reach their destination at the famous restaurant. They all exit the car and enter the restaurant. Taehyung and Ar Miee was talking while walking, the others was already at their table. The two stop talking when they get interrupted when someone called their names.

"Ar Miee! Taehyung! Is it really you two?" Both of them look to the side, It was no other than Ar Miee's classmate and taehyung's school mate, Sung Hul Smith.

"Remember me?" He ask making the two nodded their head and smiled.

"Of course, who wouldn't remember the one and only heartthrob in school and our best friend who had taehyung had crushed on but stop when she knew your gay." Ar Miee stated making taehyung hit her arm and sung hul laughed at the memories they shared.

"Yeah yeah. I'm married now, a husband and were currently 6 years now. How about you taehyung, ar miee i see you have a baby there." Sung Hul stated while looking at Ar Miee's stomach making taehyung and Ar Miee chuckled at him. 

"I have now a husband and I'm currently 3 months pregnant, First baby." Ar Miee replied making sung hul laugh. Taehyung was about to say when Jeongguk arrived at the scene.

"Who is this lucky man's man?" Sung Hul ask the two making jeongguk growl lowly at him. 

"This Jeon Jeongguk, my boyfriend." Taehyung introduced him to Sung hul. Sung hul widened his eyes when he realized he is the Biggest world famous mafia who kill without hesitation.

"We'll get going now and Ar amiee, hoseok's looking for you." Jeongguk stated as he pull taehyung with him and go to where the others are.

"It was nice meeting you sung hul. I'll  get going now, my husband's looking for me." Ar Miee bid and go to where the others are.

      We are now at our table when we notice taehyung and Ar miee was not here. I volunteer to look for them and exit the room. I saw them talking to a guy but they stop when i arrived at their scene. I bid and pull taehyung towards me leaving ar miee and the guy. I got Jealous and take a seat to our table. The others were busy to their own kids. 

"Who is that taehyung?" I ask lowly while looking at her. She just smiled at me and hold my hand.

"It was just Ar Miee's classmate and my school mate, sung hul." Taehyung replied and i groan in jealousy. I heard her chuckles and whispered to me.

"Ggukie, don't be jealous. I will give you a reward if you stop." I nodded and kiss her making her laugh a little. We all stop when the food arrive and started to eat.

"Your vacation is good for 5 days love birds." Hoseok stated and they all laugh when he call us love birds.

"Someone's jealous earlier. I saw your expression gguk." Ar Miee teased me making taehyung laugh at my own misery. They all continued to tease until another subject of conversation came but still eating. Jeongguk payed for them after they spend their night walking to the park, eating ice cream, etc and go home.

"See You after five days gguk, tae." They all bid and go to their separated house. Taehyung and jeongguk went straight to their room. He started kissing taehyung neck and whispered to her ear.

"Where's my reward now tae?" 

"You have to wait until tomorrow ggukie now lets sleep, okay?" Taehyung replied and nodded. They both lay in each others arm and let the sleep consume them.


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