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A One and a half years later, the Jeon mansion was busy as usual since a family of now three was living there. You can hear a stamping feet of a one year old baby boy through the hallways. The maid was there guiding the baby not to get hurt.

"Momma! Dada!" a one years old exclaimed as he make his way and climb unto the sheets.

"Mina you can wait outside. Close the door after you leave." Jeongguk stated and sit down on the bed. The father picked up his child and place it between taehyung and him.

Mina bowed down in respect, exit the room and close it. Taehyung smiled and greeted her soon to be husband and their child. The baby giggled when he saw his mother smiling at him. Jeongguk was very thankful what he have today especially their family was now added.

"Jeonghyung, are done taking a bath?" Jeongguk ask his son who was playing his mother's hair. Jeonghyung thier first son shook his head.

"Why not baby?" Taehyung ask making her son look at him.

"Momma......b-bwath mwe!" Jeonghyung exclaimed making jeongguk giggle at thier son.

Many happened during this past few years, Ar Miee already had a beautiful two years old daughter and currently two months pregnant again. Jin also pregnant six months for thier second child while jimin was one month pregnant for their third child now. So yeah they're pregnant again except for taehyung since they've been planning a wedding lately. Taehyung was thankful for the maids to look after jeonghyung when they got busy sometimes especially mina who was babysitting when they are not here.

"Jeon Jeongguk! Hurry up changing!" Taehyung exclaimed at his fiance who was taking his time changing. She was wearing a dirty white puffy sleeves psir with denim black shorts (ignore the bag though and the Starbucks). Jeongguk came down wearing a black jacket sleep, black baggy pants pair with white rubber shoes.

 Jeongguk came down wearing a black jacket sleep, black baggy pants pair with white rubber shoes

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Jeonghyung, thier one year old son was wearing just like his father but a black t-shirt. They are going to namjin's household since they are planning for the wedding.

When they arrived at namjin's household, the maids bowed at them in respect. Jeonghyung was in the arms of taehyung since he didn't want to let her go. Yoonmin couple and thier twins who was now a 7 years old, are already there. They all greeted of course. The twins and jin na who was now a 5 years old, go to taehyung who was sitting beside jeongguk to the sofa. Jeonghyung was sitting on her lap.

"How was school yoonji, jiyoon?" Taehyung ask looking at the twins. Yoonji smile at her while jiyoon just nodded.

"It was fun aunt taetae. I got many friends while jiyoon got only two" Yoonji stated making jiyoon scoff.

"I don't like many people yoonji" Jiyoon defended himself making taehyung laugh.

"Just like your father yoongi." Taehyung stated and jeonghyung grab for his father. She give jeonghyung to jeongguk who smiled at her.

Hoseok and Ar Miee arrive with thier 2 years old daughter, Miee Seok. They gather in the dining room, eating lunch while talking and laughing. Of course their lunch wasn't quite as usual. After they eat, they all gather in the lounge. The kids are playing in the kids playroom

We all are in the living room except for fhe kids. They are in the play room. We were discussing about Taehyung and I's wedding. The wedding is in two days. The event designer is with us along with his assistant.

“So what's the theme color of your wedding you like?” The event designer ask, his name was Woo Han.

“Purple would be nice don't you think?” Taehyung suggested making I and everyone agree.

“Purple it is. The rest is up to you Woo Han, surprise us.” Yoongi stated. Woo Han was Ar Miee's close friend after taehyung and the best wedding planner. In the middle of our talking, the kids went to thier mother one by one. Jeonghyung went to taehyung.

“Ma sweppy” Jeonghyung stated while rubbing his eyes. I look at my watch and it's already almost 2 in the afternoon. It his nap time.

Taehyung carry jeonghyung in her arms and went to the guestrooms along with the other. Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok and I are only left in the lounge. After the girls left, namjoon went to get wine and 4 wine glass.  He open the wine and put the 4 glass with it. We all get our wine and taste it, it was delicious.

“How was Jeonghyung. Giving you a hard time?” Yoongi ask me. He's starting a conversation.

“No but sometimes im jealous i mean he's stealing my taehyung's attention.” I answered making him laugh and says.

“THE JEON JEONGGUK GETTING JEALOUS BY HIS OWN SON!” Yoongi laugh making hoseok laugh too. I just scoffed at them and drink my wine.

“How's sex life y'all?” Namjoon ask making us look at him.

“We did it twice a week” Hoseok answered first while sipping his wine.

“We did it every night but sometimes not because jeonghyung want to sleep with us.” I answered the second while pouring whine to my glass.

“Well I did it everyday. How about you?” Yoongi answered and ask back to namjoon.

“Sometimes. Since Jin is six months pregnant.” Namjoon answered. We all talk about our life. The mafia has been okay. Sometimes enemies are there and  sometimes not. Yoongi's Bar is popular amongst men and women. We are successful these far.

The kids are already asleep beside each other. Taehyung and the others decided to check on the boys to the lounge. When they arrive, the boys are sleeping in the sofa making them shake thier head. The girls decided to chill in the garden.

It was already 6:30 in the evening when the boys awakened by thier sleep. The kids was playing tag your it. The boys find their way to the kitchen where the girls are cooking for thier dinner.

Taehyung was cutting some ingredients, jimin was washing the plates and bowls they used, ar miee and jin was cooking with different dishes. The boys make their ways backhugging their wife and fiance. that, the boys set the table and they had their delicious dinner.

It's already 9 o'clock in the evening when they all go home from namjin's household. Jeonghyung was already asleep during the travel they had. Taehyung place jeonghyung on his soft bed in his own room and pull up the blanket to his body. She kissed softly her child's forehead and exit the room.

Jeongguk was in the bathroom changing his clothes to night clothes so taehyung take the opportunity to change but when she was about to put her pajamas on. Jeongguk exit the bathroom and eyed taehyung up and down while bitinh his lips. He went to taehyung and push her on the bed and hover her. The two keep the eye contact, thier eyes held love and affection especially understanding.

“I love you jeongguk” Taehyung whispered while looking at jeongguk. He smiled says;

“I love you too taehyung”

Their night spent made with love and passion. Two bodies against each other. Vanilla and rough sex at the same time but also there's love between them until sleep devour them.

PROCEED TO CHAPTER 29 --------->

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