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     I watch the two eating their snacks while watching a movie from the television. We were interupted when jeongguk exit his office. They both look at him and run to him, i chuckled.

“uncle jeon!" The kids both exclaimed and hug him. Jeongguk bent down and give the two a candies. They both says their thank you's and get back to the sofa and watch again. I look at the watch and its past 11:30.

     {The maids should be done preparing lunch by now.} I thought. Yes, the jeon jeongguk has many maids but they never enter the masters bedroom nor the office. I did enter the office but not the masters bedroom, yet (heheh). A maid come up to me and said;

“ma'am, the lunch is ready" i smiled and nodded. I gave her the bowl and tell the two that the lunch is ready. The two hold onto me and we go to the dining room.

     Jeongguk was already there eating his lunch while taehyung and the kids just arrived. Jeongguk secretly smiled and taehyung place the two beside her and give them their lunch. Their lunch was quite until one of the Min twins started to speak.

“let's go to the amusement park!" Yoonji exclaimed making Jiyoon laugh and smiled.

“okay but in one condition, don't go away from me and always hold my hands. Okay?" Taehyung agreed and smiled to them. The two kids agreed and taehyung smiled at them.

“here take my black card" jeongguk stated and give taehyung the card. It is indeed black.

“If you're looking for another card that is not black. Well i don't have one, i have tons of black cards." Jeongguk explained and look at taehyung. Taehyung only nodded and continued eating. The twins already done eating and prepared.

“You're not coming with us?" Taehyung ask while looking at jeongguk. Jeongguk was shock because no one ask the JEON JEONGGUK like that unlike taehyung who has the guts, just waiting for his answers.

“uhh..... I will be there if my meeting is done." Jeongguk answered and taehyung nodded. They both went to there separate room and prepared.

    Taehyung and the twins now was in the amusement park. Taehyung was watching the two who was riding a carousel 🎠 while the two guards who was watching them was holding the cotton candies. Taehyung took a picture of the two and the guards, she was laughing her ass off of the two guards.

     Once the two was done riding the carousel, yoonji, the girl was eating her cotton candy while the boy, jiyoon, was walking around to find another ride with the other bodyguard.

     I am done in my meeting and was now walking towards taehyung who was eating a cotton candy along with yoonji. I look around and saw jiyoon with the other bodyguard looking around and watching some rides, they're going to ride to. I chuckled and take a seat beside taehyung who look at me.

“So how was the meeting, mr. Jeon?" She opened a conversation like any other people do. I couldn't process what she ask as i was shock like my bodyguards its because she was speaking to me like I'm some guy who had a normal job.

“Mr. Jeon?" She ask again. I cleared my throat and answered her simple question.

“It's good and fine as usual." She nodded and continued eating a cotton candy while yoonji smiled and look at me as i smiled back.

     Jiyoon got back and seat in taehyung's lap like how did they find taehyung's lap comfortable like they've known for too long. Yoonji look at jiyoon and got jealous and they started to bicker. Taehyung give me the cotton candy and i just accept it.

“Now stop bickering and you both can sit on my lap whenever you both want to." Taehyung calm the two down and explained as she sit both of them on her lap. She smiled at the two who was now stop bickering.

     Jiyoon suggested they will ride a rollercoaster and taehyung smiled while yoonji only cling to her. We are now lining up to ride it. When it's our turn, we all take a seat and wait for the people to fill up. Taehyung and I are in the back while the two are in front. The ride started.


     To my surprise, taehyung isn't afraid of this ride unlike the other people in the back were screaming as hell. Taehyung and I look at the two and they both screams just like their parents would be when riding a rides like this one. Taehyung laugh and look at me. I kinda admit, she's beautiful and cute at the same time, smiling genuinely and not having problems make me kinda smile too.

      They are now at the restaurant, the twins parents are with them, of course namjin and hobi too. They are happily eating until hoseok's girlfriend appear and it was no other than, ar miee. Taehyung was busy with the twins not until someone caught her attention.

“hi! My name is Kim Ar Miee" she introduced and look at everyone until she spotted taehyung looking at her. They both look at thier teary eyes.


“Ar Miee!" They both said at the same time. Ar miee did not waste time and go to taehyung, hugging her tightly.

     Everyone wass shock at this state of them being close to each other. Namjoon, yoongi, and Hoseok look at jeongguk like ‘you owe us an explanation'. Jeongguk face palm while looking at them.

“Oh! You both know each other. How's that possible?" Jimin ask and break the silence. Ar miee explain along with taehyung while looking at them.

“So who kidnapped you taehyung? When i arrived to your house. It was messy and Mr. Kim was there unconscious." Ar miee ask and look at her. Taehyung was worried about her father but with hate at the same time, she only look at jeongguk. Ar miee noticed it and look at jeongguk too.

“I guess your are taehyung's kidnapper" ar miee stated and look at jeongguk.

“She's the payment to her father's debt." Jeongguk stated with a monotone voice.

“Is it true taehyung?" Ar Miee ask and taehyung only nodded. Ar Miee smiled anx cheer taehyung up.

“Don't worry taetae, I will visit you anytime you want. In fact, hoseok and i are already in one house like husband and wife do." Ar Miee explained and taehyung look at her, smiling. They continue their dinner until they finish and go to their separated houses.

Sorry guysss for not updating. Im busy w/ my shool assignments and projects. But now my school is over and i will be able to update anytime so thank you for waiting for me.



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