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        Taehyung was getting ready for work when she spotted his father worrying about something. She go to her father to ask.

“Hey, dad what's wrong?” taehyung ask his father who was busy thinking about something.

“I'm thinking about my deal with--” her father was cutted off when taehyung stated.

“Dad as i said im going to work my ass off just to pay that deal you had” taehyung stated.

“Will you be mad at me if i sold you out?” Her dad ask but she just shrugged it off like her father didn't ask anything.

“I'm going to work now, bye” taehyung bid her good bye and go outside.

     HOURS pass by and taehyung was now busy taking care of the orders and giving the food they ordered. It was now lunch break when armiee insisted taehyung to come with her and take a lunch. They are now sitting inside the restaurant.

“yah tae, how many deal did your father had?" Armiee asked her childhood best friend.

“one, but i dont know if it's that bad if he don't pay it" taehyung stated and continue eating her food.

ofcourse everyone who dont pay their deal are going go jail" armiee stated while eating her lunch and rolled her eyes.

     Taehyung just sigh and finished her lunch same as her childhood friend, armiee. They went back, to work their ass off.

        After the meeting, i was now sitting in my limousine. Not until i spotted the daughter of Mr. Kim, you guessed it. It's taehyung. I said to my driver to stop and i go outside.

      I enter the cafe and take a seat. I was in the VIP area. I was busy with my phone when i did not notice when a voice startled me.

“Good afternoon sir. What's your order?" I look up and saw mr. Kim's daughter. I smirked.

“Black coffee" i said, shortly looking at her. My eyes look at her uniform, her name was taehyung.

“With sugar or without sir?" Taehyung asked and look at me with a smile.

“Without sugar, taehyung" I answered and say her name.

“Ahmm is that all sir?" She asked and she's blushing. I nodded and she outside.

     THIRTY minutes later, my order arrived when taehyung entered the room. I was busy with the phone call because i was pissed when one of my men betrayed me. I let yoongi handle the rest. I look at taehyung who was about to go out

“Stay" i stated shortly. She close the door.

“is there anything else you want to order sir?” she asked me.

“no." I answered her and she only nodded.

     I just look at the man who was busy with his cellphone. He isn't the only one busy ya'know. Im busy too. I sigh and look at the time its nearly 5. The man stand up and before he leave, he stated.

“'Till next time taehyung" It gives shiver to my spine. I dont know what he meant but it scares me. He leaves the restaurant and i clean the table as usual.

     Once I'm done, i go next to the cashier with a bother look. I was thinking what he said, my thoughts was cut off when someone bother me. I look at who but it was no other than my childhood best friend.

“yah, what's with the bothered look?" Armiee asked but I just shrugged her.

“spill the tea, taehyung" i sigh and look at her and explain the situation i was in, earlier. I look at armiee who was thinking.

“do you think its weird and scary at the same time?" I asked her and she look at me.

“yeah i have the same feeling when you explain to me but lets just hope that you will not get hurt" armiee explain and we both nodded.

     It's already 8 pm when taehyung arrived to the house. Her father was nowhere to be seen. Taehyung sigh and call her father but her father was out of coverage. She just sigh and take a bath and when taehyung's done, she change to a pair of black leggings and a black crop top.

    Taehyung was just chilling while reading a book when she heard a rattling sound in the front door. She stood up and slowly moving forward to her bedroom door. She didn't even make a sound, not even a little. When taehyung saw that the door was already open, she lowered her presence and call her best friend and seconds later she picked up.

“hey tae what's up?" Armiee stated and taehyung slowly walking down stairs.

“i think someone's home and i dont know who. The door just open, can you come?" Taehyung whisper and explain to the other line.

“okay im com--" Armiee was cutted off when she heard taehyung screaming. Armiee hurriedly go to outside and drove to taehyung house.

     Taehyung drop her phone fight off the man that grab her arm by hitting him at his face by her feet and taehyung backwards. 5 bulky mens sorround her and she sigh.

“what do you want from me?" Taehyung ask but she didn't let her guard down and look at them fiercely, one by one.

“come with us and you will not get hurt" one of them stated.

“what if I won't" taehyung stated and look at them.

“then we'll do this in a hard way" one of them stated and attack her.

     Taehyung was now fighting them by close combat. She was exhausted but not giving up. Not until one of the men hit taehyung in the head totally knocking her out.

      I waiting patiently for my mens, mr. Kim was now next to me standing and he was guarded my men. I smirk.

“say mr. Kim. What would your daughter feel or react when she knew that you sold her to me" i said and look at him, mr kim trembles in fear and i see the tears streaming down in his eyes.

     When my men arrived, i take a seat ordered them to put taehyung on my lap. Her father shout at me but his mouth was muffled by the ballgag. I smirk in victory. She slowly waking up and look at the sorroundings. When taehyung saw the men, anger boiling inside her not until i put my arms in her waist.

     Taehyung's expression was shock when she saw my arms and look at me in pure shock.


Thank you for sparing your time reading this and sorry for the grammars.


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