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It's been 2 weeks since taehyung know about their enemy, Gang-Soo. He always envy jeongguk because he can't have what jeongguk have. So in the end of thier long story short history, they became thier biggest enemy. It's been also 2 weeks since yoongi and jeongguk overseas and the two gonna come back after a month. So here we are in the present. Taehyung was vomiting in the kitchen sink, jimin was with her who was caressing her back gently.

"Tae, it's been 2 weeks since you have morning sickness. Is it possible that you are pregnant?" Jimin stated making taehyung stop who was washing her mouth with water and clean the sink. Jin arrive to the scene where the two is and worried.

"Taehyung, did you two used protection when you both did the intercourse?" Jin ask her. Taehyung wipe her mouth with tissue and shake her head indicate as ‘no’. Jimin guide her to the sofa and let her lay down.

"I'm gonna call a doctor now since you've been showing signs of pregnancy" Jin says and get her phone, dial a doctor's number.

Later, the doctor arrive and greeted them. He check taehyung and jin stated some symptoms that will lead to pregnancy and their guts wasn't wrong.

"Congratulations Mrs. Jeon, you're pregnant a week from now." The doctor stated while smiling at them. Taehyung was shock snd still processing what the doctors said.

"Don't stress yourself and eat some healthy foods." The doctor added. Jin payed the doctor and take a seat beside taehyung.

"You should tell jeongguk about it." Jimin suggested and taehyung nodded.

"When they get back. Please don't tell jeongguk about it. I'm going to surprise him." Taehyung says making the two nodded in agreement. Taehyung's phone ring signalling that jeongguk call her. Jin and jimin leave the room for thier privacy.

Yoongi and I arrive in our penthouse and he went straight to his room to call jimin. I take a seat on the couch and call her to face time.

"Baby!" I exclaimed cheerfully when taehyung accept the call.

"Hey ggukie" Taehyung smiled when she saw me. I notice that she's pale than ever before.

"Baby, you okay? You want me to come home?" I ask her with worries but she just shake her head to me.

"No ggukie. Focus on your job there. Another 2 weeks then you'll be here with me." Taehyung answered and explain to me. I just nodded and talk as usual day would us be but yoongi called me for some businesses.

"Call you tomorrow tae. Luv u." I bid and when he says luv u back to me. I ended the call and proceed to what has to be done and go to where we going.

Taehyung lay down and read some articles about pregnancy, etc. Then she decided to went to the kitchen to eat. Jin who enter the kitchen after her, notice taehyung looking more like craving for something.

What do you want to eat taetae?Jin ask taehyung who look at her with a smile.

A bucket of sweet strawberries and a nutella. Taehyung answered jin with a smile. Namjoon arrived at the scene to where the two was and kiss jin on the forehead passionately.

Good thing that you're here joonie. Taehyung wants a bucket of sweet strawberries and a nutella. I want you to buy that for her under jeongguk's command. Jin says to namjoon who look at taehyung weirdly. Taehyung just smiled at him and nodded.

Taehyung, a-are you pregnant? Namjoon stuttered out making jin hit her arm. Taehyung just glare at him. I mean its the moods swings were talking about and the carvings.

Yah Jonnie! Just buy thoseJin commanded, namjoon left the house to buy what taehyung is craving for.

Later namjoon arrived with what taehyung wanted to but she just ignored namjoon and continue to eat pickles which she dislike very much. Namjoon just place the strawberries and the nutella on the counter. Jin get the strawberries, wash it and put it in a bowl. Hoseok and  Ar Miee arrived and saw taehyung who was eating the last piece of a pickle.

Yah! Taehyungie, you don't like pickles. Now tell me why are you eating that food? Ar Miee ask who was now already 4 months pregnant. Taehyung drink some apple juice afterwards.

We'll I like it now Mie Mie” Taehyung answered and wash her hands with a soap she like and brush her teeth. 

After that taehyung hug ar miee as a greeting from her. Taehyung decided not to tell anyone about except for jin and jimin who already know. Jimin arrived with the twins, you ask where did they go? Jimin and the twins take a nap from the guest room. Namjoon bid jin to go back to base along with hoseok to see if the enemies are spotted. The girls spend thier time hanging out while talking and laughing about thier own jokes.

Namjoon and Hoseok, on the other hand talk to their men's about the enemies. The rival's men got detected by the camera they built outside making a move and almost ambush thier base but they got nothing. Guess the enemies just give them false ambush to look like it. Namjoon call Jeongguk for this since Jeongguk already said that 'call me if something important will happen'.

“Namjoon” Namjoon heard jeongguk call his name. He cleard his voice and says what he needed to say.

“Boss, the rivals men spotted in our cctv that we built in. They also make a false ambush to make it look like it.” Namjoon informed jeongguk who was humming in response.

“Be alert namjoon and protect the others. After 2 weeks, I'll be back and settle the things that needed to be settled. Lay low for now.” Jeongguk explain and look at his older brother who was settling some businesses papers.

“Okay boss” Namjoon said after that jeongguk ended the call with a sigh.

Back to the girls, Jimin and Jin are cooking for dinner while taehyung and ar miee are settling the table. By the times that the boys arrive, the table was already set along with the foods. They all have their dinner together and of course they had their chit chat even though jeongguk and yoongi are not there. After the dinner. Jin, namjoon, ar miee and hoseok went to thier separated home.

The twins are already sleep when taehyung and jimin hangout in the garden. The house was heavily guarded by jeongguk's men. Jimin was drinking wine while taehyung was drinking a milk. The wine was bad for her baby. The two was chilling peacefully.


The two didn't know that there's some looking more like spying at them a meters away from them. The guards didn't notice it either.

“Mr. Hak, Min and Jeon is not here only thier wife.” The spy informed about it while looking at taehyung and jimin.

“Then where is he!” His boss shouted through phone at the spy.

“After 2 weeks mr. Hak.” The spy answered but still cautious because there are guards that are surveying the place.

“By that time prepare to kidnap Kim Taehyung.” The man ordered and after getting a yes from the spy. The call ended.


“The time's already late tae, it will be bad for the baby. Let's go and sleep.” Jimin stated and taehyung nodded. The two stand up and go inside. As the two bid good bye and went to thier separated room. Taehyung lay down and hug jeongguk's pillow , pull the blanket to her body. Let the sleep take over her.


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