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     Taehyung and jeongguk are now in a private hotel. The hotel was owned and manage by jeon jeongguk himself. The hotel is called private for a reason, the only one who can enter this hotel is jeongguk's client or a wealthy people (dAdEh). They doubled their men inside and outside their hotel.

“umm when can we go home?" Taehyung ask and look around.

“tomorrow, not sure" jeongguk answer and look outside. Taehyung nodded and they started eating dinner.

    Taehyung was busy thinking if she is a maid or something not like that because of what happened today. Maybe tomorrow I'm going to be a maid for sure. Once they are done, taehyung take a bath. She was humming a song while scrubbing her arms, legs, back but she was stop when jeongguk enter the bathroom.

“w-why are y-y-you---" taehyung stuttered out while looking at jeongguk. Jeongguk can't see taehyung's body except her head and her neck because of the bubbles all around the bathtub.

“what?" Jeongguk ask and enter the shower room. Hot water was running in jeongguk's body while taehyung was a tomato and back facing jeongguk, completely ignoring him.

     Taehyung and jeongguk was minding their own business until jeongguk speak up breaking the silence between them.

“rest well tonight. Im gonna head out and clear the chaos they made. Good night"

“good night too" taehyung stated and hear the door being closed.

     I change pajamas and went to the terrace to feel the cold breeze that was now hitting me. I inhale and exhale slowly the air and look around. The city was beautiful at night. Why? You ask, it's because the light in the building and in each streets are like the sky but i like the sky more. I was about to go inside when the i feel the woman standing. I look around and saw him.

“hey beautiful" she stated and smirk at me. I just look at him and ready to attack at any time.

“don't worry im not an enemy" she assured and seat on the terrace like she was not afraid to fall off.

“okay, what's your name?" I gladly ask her and she just chuckles.

“you may call baekhyun" the baekyun woman answered and i just nodded.

“so do you like women?" I asked at her and her expression was priceless. She was shocked.

“how did you know?" Baekhyun asked and look at me directly but before i can answered that a call interupted me and she bid goodbye and i went back to my room and lay down. I let my sleep consume me.

     Taehyung was awoken by the sun hit her face. She yawned and stand up. She was about to go to the bathroom when she noticed a cloth and a paper. She read the paper, it says;

Hey Kim, take a bath and eat your breakfast. The outfit i give you will be your outfit for this day. There's waiting for you in the lobby to take you to my house. Start now.


     Taehyung look at the outfit and sigh. It was a simple modern traditional hanbok style and a pair ug peach sandals.

    Taehyung take a bath and wear the outfit and eat her breakfast

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    Taehyung take a bath and wear the outfit and eat her breakfast. She exit the hotel room and went straight to the elevator, she press the button ‘G’ for ground. Minutes pass, she was finally in ground and went straight to the lobby. There she saw who was waiting, it was baekhyun and a woman beside her.

uhhh.....hello?" Taehyung stated awkwardly. The two look at her and baekhyun immediately hug her.

“oh my goodness, you look so pretty" baekhyun stated and look at her.

“yeah. You completely look another person not like last night" taehyung said and look at her.

“oh sorry im like that when it comes to work" baekhyun apologize and taehyung smile assuring that its okay.

“by the way, this is my dominant girlfriend. Chanyeol is her name and this is taehyung, chanyeol. Be nice" baekhyun continued and they both look at her. Chanyeol just nodded, taehyung and baekhyun get in the car.

    The ride was not quite as usual, but it was noisy. Taehyung and baekhyun was talking about food then clothes then comparison about them and so on the topic. They become close immediately but their talking, stop when they arrived at the mansion. Taehyung head out and jeongguk's men sorround her to make sure she's safe.

     Here i was in my main office patiently waiting for taehyung. Since i was has been patient? I've never been patient before. My thoughts were cut off when i heard someone's knocking in my door. I signal it to come in and saw taehyung coming in.

     Taehyung was so beautiful that i could kiss her everyday but i just remain my emotionless face.

“good now that you are here. I want you to babysit mr and mrs. Min's children since they gave a favor to babysit them." I stated and explained to her what yoongi said then look at her.

“where are the children(')s?" She instantly ask and look at me. Taehyung wore just a simple modern hanbok that i gave her and she's elegant.

“In the living room along with their mother. They're waiting for your arrival." I replied and she bid to go to the living room where the kids and their mother are.

     As i bid mr. Jeon to go to the living, i straightly went to the living room. There i saw Jimin with his two lovely kids. I walk close to them and greet them with a smile.

“im sorry for bothering you but jeongguk said you're free today. Are you?" Jimin ask me worriedly as if she did something wrong but i just smile and replied.

“yes i am free today" I assure her and she smiled and look at her children.

“this is yoonji and jiyoon, they both are 4 yrs old and a fraternal twins not an identical one. Yoonji got her hair color from me and Jiyoon got his hair color from his father." She, jimin, said and smiled. I look at their kids, the girl look like jimin and the boy look like his father.

     In the middle of our conversation, we was interupted by his husband, yoongi and i greet to him. His expression and Jeongguk's expression are look like.

“Taehyung, if you're wondering why jeongguk and yoongi's expression are look like. It's because they are brothers. Yoongi is jeongguk's older brother." Jimin explained and smile at me. I nodded and smile in return. Jimin and yoongi bid a good bye to their kids and kiss their forehead.

“take care of the kids properly, taehyung. Good bye" jeongguk's older brother stated and i nodded. I watch mr. And mrs. Min exit the house along with their kids and smiled at them.

     I was left with their kids who was watching television in the sofa. I smiled and go to the kitchen, making them a snack.


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