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It's been three days since taehyung had been missing. Jeon's men has no clue about taehyung's whereabouts. Jeongguk has been working all night just to find his beloved fiance and this day also jin and jimin decided to tell him about his fiance's pregnancy. Namjoon and hoseok had been planning to where to started to attack and when to end it. Currently this hour, they all are in the lounge chilling thier rational mind.

“Jeongguk, i have to tell you something.” Jimin started to say. Jin was behind her back sighing. Jeongguk look at them with his boring eyes. His usual self his starting to appear. The happiness in his eyes was vanished since taehyung was kidnapped.

“Jeongguk dont be alarmed but its about taehyung.” Jimin added once again. The others finally stared at her and jin.

“What is it?” Jeongguk finally ask since it's about his beloved fiance.

“Taehyung is.....” Jimin couldn't let her sentence complete so she let jin completed it for her.

“Taehyung is one month pregnant gguk.” Jin finally completed the sentence making the other gasped.

“What?!” Jeongguk exclaimed, his eyes glued to jimin and jin.

“It's true jeongguk. Taehyung is one month pregnant.” Jin replied to jeongguk's exclamation.

“After you left from this house to go overseas, taehyung has been experiencing morning sickness so jin and i decided to get a doctor to confirm and it turned out that she's one month pregnant.” Jimin started to explain the incident jin and her experience.

“Then why didn't you both tell me?” Jeongguk ask, the disappointment was visible to his words. The others face was also had one expression, shock and worry. The tension between to all of them was tense and thick.

“Taehyung wanted it to be a surprise that's why we keep it. We respected it and help her by surprising you. Im sorry jeongguk” Jimin explain and also apologize. Jeongguk just sigh and think, his fiance's and their unborn child was in danger. He shouldn't have to go overseas but now its late to take a blame. It's not everyone's fault that this happened. Yoongi's phone rang and he take the call.

“Jeongguk, our private investigator caught something clue about and our men also caught some spy hiding in the bush.” Yoongi explain making jeongguk nodded.

“Armiee and jin stay here with the kids. The rest come with me.” Jeongguk stated and make their way to their private underground house.

Jin and Ar miee stayed in the house. Yoongi, namjoon, hoseok and Jimin are with me along with my mens. We take a seat as the private investigator finally arrived and take a seat infront of us. They all place the evidence above the table, all of the evidence.

“We spotted Hak Gang soo getting out of the building with his mens. I know the location and its really not far from here. But the building he's in is highly guarded and there's bomb everywhere. Your fiance's is locked up in a room, 9th floor, 3rd room to the left. The building has 10th floor.” The first private investigator explained. Yoongi get the evidence and check carefully..

“The 2 Gang soo's men we spotted are already in the torture room. That's all mr jeon. The file of your fiance and her whereabouts.” The second private investigator added and hand the folder to me. I handed them the payment and they exit the room.

“Yoongi and namjoon take your time torturing the two in the basement. Jimin and hoseok call exo and gather all of my mens.” I commanded and after hearing a yes from them. I enter my office and take a seat, read the file that contains all of the report.

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