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      Taehyung and Jeongguk was awoken up by thier maid, 5 o'clock at dawn. They are currently changing their clothes when the maid inform them that the other are here waiting for them. What they wear (ingnore the bag though);

 What they wear (ingnore the bag though);

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Taehyung was the one who finished up and went to where the others are. She didn't tie her hair and she has a pinkish red tint on her lips. Taehyung smile when she saw the others.

"Hey guys, why so early?" Taehyung joke about it making the others chuckles at her.

"Where's gguk?" Namjoon ask but before taehyung can answer jeongguk arrive to where they are.

"Let's go?" Jeongguk ask making taehyung nodded at him. He already know that the others are here to see them off at the airport for thier vacation.

Jeongguk give a few rules to the maids and enter the car with the others. The car was not quite but loud as ever until they reach to their destination. The guards take the bags as jeongguk and taehyung bid.

"Be careful gguk, tae." Yoongi bid the two as taehyung hug them one by one. Jin give taehyung a breakfast (lunch) box for them to eat in the plane.

"We will hyung" Jeongguk replied as they enter their private plane. The others smiled and enter the car once again. The two take a seat and taehyung place the box in the table.

"Good morning mr and mrs. Jeon, the plane is about to take off. Please be comfortable and wear your seatbelt."

They hear the pilot speaking (bear with me because i am not sure about the plane speech part i haven't been in a plane before.) Taehyung chuckle making jeongguk loom at her confusingly.

"Really gguk? Mr and Mrs. Jeon?" Taehyung ask with an amused smile on her face.

"What? Why not mr. And mrs. Jeon since your going to be married to me anyway?" Jeongguk ask back with confident making taehyung laugh.

"Yeah yeah i get it. Let's eat?" Taehyung ask while open the box with many foods. He nodded as they started to eat happily.

Many minutes past and they already done eating. Jeongguk commanded one of the attendant to get the box and wash it. Taehyung smile at the attendant who nodded, she knew that the attendant was knowing her place not being a bitch one until one of them go to jeongguk and being a flirty (there are 3 attendant and pilot).

"Mr. Jeon, what would you like? Wine?" She asked completely ignoring taehyung who was looking at them silently. Taehyung look at her up and down, there is one only caught her eyes, her name, Yi Jia.

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