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     It has been a year has past since taehyung and Jeongguk's relationship bloomed. Jin had given birth to thier daughter named Kim Jin Na. Jimin's twins Yoonji and Jiyoon are already 5 y/o. Many things happened in those one year but they they are glad that non of them got hurt in many way. The EXO gangs finally meet taehyung as she also forgive his own father. Hoseok and Ar Miee are now already married. Things have going been happy for them. They are mow currently in the Jeon's mansion as usual of their routine. And they are having pool party with barbeque.

“Yah Ar Miee! Your husband needs you!" Taehyung exclaimed who was giving Jeongguk a tropical smoothie 🍹..

“Hoseok! Just leave me alone even just for a minute will ya!" Ar Miee exclaimed when she was walking towards hoseok.

“Taehyung-ah when are you two gonna marry?" Jin ask, namjoon was beside her. Their daughter was above namjoon and both father and daughter was sleeping.

“Maybe next year?" Taehyung answered and laugh..

“When we have no already enemy. I'll marry her." Jeongguk stated and smile to taehyung who was blushing like a tomato.

      They all smiled and taehyung went back to grilled some barbeque. The twins was beside the pool while playing with thier mother, jimin, while yoongi help taehyung with the barbeque. Baekhyun and Chanyeol arrived and walk to them. Taehyung look to them and smiled.

“Work's calling already?" Taehyung ask while baekhyun just smiled and take a seat.

“Work's calling now guys!" Chanyeol exclaimed making the mafia look to them and groaned.

“Yah! I heard that. No groaning pls. We're tired of your enemies especially suho who manage everything" Chanyeol explained looking at jeongguk while he just sitting up and drinking his smoothie.

“Kai also take back what he said about your job" Baekhyun added making jeongguk chuckles.

“That's right. Being a mafia isn't easy." Jeongguk stated.

“Ar Miee take the kids back. Pool party's over" Jin stated and armiee hold her (jin) daughter jin na and lead the twins to the living room.

     Jeongguk and the others go to their separate room to change leaving baekhyun and Chanyeol. The others take a bath and change. It was their usual routine after all.

       When i arrive at the living room, the others was there along with armiee and the kids. I signal the yoonmin to bid their good bye to thier kids.

“Lets go" I stated and we exit the house.

“Guard the house with all your life!" I exclaimed while looking at the guards who nodded in agreement. Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung and I take the car while the other car was hoseok, namjoon and Jin.

       Taehyung and Jimin are talking as usual, the two are like soulmates, hard to separate. I hug taehyung from the back while she was talking to jimin. When we arrive at the penthouse, yoongi park the car and we got out. The penthouse were in was heavily guarded. We all get inside and they all go to thier separate works while I go to my office. I heard noises coming from outside so I exit my office and look at the others.

Mafia's Maid (GgukTae)Where stories live. Discover now