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When we arrived at the rooftop, jimin and the others are fighting Gang-Soo's remaining mens. Soon his men was taken down or should i say they're dead. I look at him disgust.

“One more step from you and your men jeon. You will witness her head will blow.” Gang-Soo says making us stop our track.

He was holding taehyung as a hostage and lick her neck. I got angry and signal namjoon to shoot his hand that wass holding taehyung. Taehyung and I reunited and broke the hug. When Gang-Soo give a signal to someone. A loud bang echoed to our sorroundings. We look around and no one was hit until taehyung collapse in my arms. I quickly catch her and saw the blood coming from her chest.

“If I can't have her then no one can!” I heard gang soo shouted. Namjoon shoot him for me in the head while jimin and yoongi are chasing the sniper.

“J-jeongguk I-i love you” taehyung called to me and she stuttered the words that i want to hear everyday. And saw her coughing out some blood.

“No! No! Taehyung pls! No! Stay with me baby pls.” I pleaded to her. My tears are now streaming down to my cheeks.

“Jeongguk, the helicopter's here come on!” Baekhyun exclaimed and i didn't waste any time to carry bridal style and enter the helicopter.

Once we arrive to our private hospital. I place taehyung on the bed and let the doctor handle the rest. The nurse take me out cause its bad to be inside so i take a seat on the chair. I cried my eyes out and become numb.

The others already burned the building down while yoongi and jimin was done killing the sniper. One by one they went go home. Yoongi and jimin said in details what happened. All of them went to the hospital and saw Jeongguk staring to nothing. It's been 3 hours since the doctor was operating taehyung and obstetrician gynecologist was there to moniter thier child.

“Gguk, take a shower pls. For taehyung hmm?” Jin tried to says making jeongguk nodded. He went go home and take a shower.

Two whole hours pass by and jeongguk came back wearing a black trousers and white shirt that is tucked in with combat boots. The doctor also exit the Operating room along with the obstetrician gynecologist. Jeongguk go Infront of the doctor along with the others.

“How was my fiance?” jeongguk started to ask the doctor.

“She is fine mr. Jeon, a lot of blood was lost and we already give her. You're lucky it didn't penetrate her heart. She's in coma mr. Jeon. Im sorry" The doctor answered and explain making jeongguk head hung low.

“What about the baby?” Jeongguk ask and look up the doctor with his boring eyes.

“The baby's fine and healthy Mr. Jeon” The obstetrician gynecologist answered his question. Jeongguk nodded and enter the private room where they place taehyung who was sleeping peacefully. Her skin was pale as ever. Jeongguk take a seat and hold taehyung's hand.

“Baby please wake up soon. Don't let me wait for too long please.” jeongguk pleaded while holding taehyung's hand.

The days went faster as the others keep visiting taehyung one by one. In three weeks, Jeongguk keep himself busy with the mafia businesses and visit taehyung when he had the time. Jeongguk visited taehyung at 7 in the evening.

“Hey baby. How are you?” Jeongguk ask taehyung who was sleeping peacefully. She was healthy because the doctors feed her by injecting the food. The baby was healthy too. An OB-GYN check her once a week.

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