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       Second day of their vacation, It was 9 o'clock when Jeongguk woke up with a smile when he saw taehyung beside him hugging the pillow. He slowly stand up and went to take a bath. Minutes have past and taehyung wake up with an empty bed, she look around and stand up. They both are naked and they did make love last night. She enter the bathroom and backhug Jeongguk in the shower. They both smile at thier sweet gesture and take a bath.

       Taehyung was wearing a fitted black crop top that has spaghetti strap pair with fitted black leggings that has white lines on each sides (no 🧢) while Jeongguk wear a plain black t-shirt pair with black baggy pants. (Ctto to the pic above).

       The two was having a nice breakfast when jeongguk take a permission to taehyung that he's going to buy something for them when the truth is he's just going go talk to his hyungs while sitting on the beach. Taehyung agreed and watch a movie by herself to pass time. Jeongguk already told jimin to accompany taehyung by video calling her. Jeongguk kissed taehyung, they both said 'see you later' and he went outside.

“So Jeongguk what up?” Yoongi ask me. I and the hyungs, jin and Ar Miee except for taehyung and jimin wass video calling.

“About my plan proposing taehyung, hyung.” I answered making jin laugh. I know where these going.

“Yah! Our ggukie's gonna propose now!.” Jin exclaim and is being heared by my phone. I chuckled at her.

“Ggukie's being soft now just for taehyung.” Namjoon stated making everyone tease me again and again.

“Now stop and let's talk about it.” I stated making them stop but eventually laugh a little.

“So what's your idea or do you have any in mind?” Yoongi begin to ask making me nodded. They all waited for my answer.

“I have one in my mind. You guys need to come here and help me witn preparation while jimin could company taehyung to explore the city. Leave the mafia for a while and let the exo handle it. Since its third day tomorrow, By fourth day, you can go back.” I explained to them making them nodded.

“We need you, Ar Miee for this since you know taehyung very well.” Jin added making ar miee smile and nodded.

“Okay tomorrow it is. We're gonna arrive their by 10 o'clock.” Namjoon informed us making us all nodded.

“By 6 PM. You're gonna propose. Got it?” Yoongi put a question to me. I am very thankfull for them to help me tomorrow after this vacation. It's gonna be hell since many people are after us.

‘Hope taehyung will say yes to me’ I thought to my self but i came back to reality when hoseok ask me.

“You okay, gguk? You seemed worried.”

“Im just worried if she wouldn't say yes to me tomorrow.” I answered honestly with a worried expression.

“Don't worry to muck gguk. She change you very much, I see. She will said yes. Were sure of it.” Hoseok assured me making everyone nodded. I smiled at them and i think positive. We all bid good-bye's after that.

“Jiminieeeee! How are you and the others?” I pick up her call and ask her with a smile.

“I and the others are fine taetae. You and Jeongguk? Having a good time?” Jimin answeres to my question and i laugh awkwardly making her get the hint.

“I see you did have a good time.” Jimin added making and blush. She laugh at me. Jimin and I talk much about it until we both says goodbye. I got bored and decided to look for Jeongguk.

      I spotted her with a girl so I rolled my eyes and walk towards them. Jeongguk seemed enjoying the conversation and I watch carefully their movements until the girl FUCKING KISSED HIM! I got mad and stand beside him and push the girl. The girl look at me shock and nervous at the same time.

“How dare you kiss my man, bitch?” I ask her, the mad tone was visible to my tone.

“Y-yah! I'm having a good time with this man. You dare interrupted us!” The girl exclaimed but she is till nervous about it. I grad her hair making her bend down next to me.

“I am no other than his fucking girlfriend. If you want your bitch of a self alive. Fucking leave here. You fucking understand?” I stated venomously making her nodded and whimpers. I get my hand away from her hair and saw that she ran away from us scaredly. Jeongguk was about to hold me but i yanked my hand away from him.

“You didn't even think to push her away and seem having fun to the conversation. I guess that why you go out and not buying anything just wanted to have fun with other girls, Jeongguk. You lied to me about buying something huh?!” I says madly while looking at him who look down with shame.

“Reflect what you've done and don't talk to me.” I added and walk back to where stayed leaving him alone.

      It was now 7 o'clock when the two see each other at the dining table. Jeongguk was putting the foods to the table. Taehyung get a bottled of water from the fridge.

“Let's eat now baby.” Jeongguk stated and taehyung take a seat and they both eat silently. The two pair was now done eating and drink the water. Taehyung was the one who washes the dishes and went back to thier own room, not minding jeongguk pr what he's doing something like that cause shes pissed.

       Jeongguk call the others to infrom his mistake today and every didn't really blame on him just lecture him and give him some advices to settle thier problem.

“What would I do? Guilt is eating me and im scared. What if taehyung won't say yes now?” Jeongguk stated with scared. Its the first time they saw Jeongguk like that after so many years.

“Jeongguk think rationally. Apologize to her. Taehyung's just like that because you lied but if you apologize then wait for her to forgive you.” Ar Miee advised to him making jeongguk nodded.

“Apologize tomorrow, leave her alone for now.” Jin added and after that they all bid good night's and see you tomorrow's. Jeongguk went to their room and found taehyung who was sleeping peacefully. He sighed and lay beside her, back hugging her.

Jeongguk whispered in her ear. ‘I'm sorry's’ and ‘I love you's’ was the only jeongguk whispered in her ear until he fell asleep hugging her. Taehyung wake up since Jeongguk enter the room just faking she's asleep and she heard that. Taehyung sighed and sleep once again.


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